
Dr. Tamás Zsom's research concentrates on advancing postharvest storage technology for fruits and vegetables, particularly in non-destructive quality determination and quality prolongation. His expertise encompasses quality preservation, chlorophyll fluorescence analysis, cooling and refrigeration, and shelf life prolongation. With a background in food engineering (MSc) and a Ph.D. in food science, he actively contributes to the training of BSc and MSc food engineers, specializing in food quality preservation. As the head of the Committee for Professional Practice (Internship), he oversees organizational tasks related to students' practical training, focusing on internship coordination for BSc students specializing in postharvest technologies and quality management at the departmental level.

Research keywords:
agro-environmental processes, postharvest storage, nondestructive, quality determination prolongation, fruits vegetables, chlorophyll fluorescence analysis



Dr. Tamás Zsom
Institute of Food Science and Technology
Campus address: H-1118 Budapest, Villányi rd. 29-43.

MTMT: 10033601
Scopus: 11239270300