
Dr. András Táncsics is a microbial ecologist and microbial taxonomist actively involved in the 'Microbial Ecology of Hypoxic BTEX Degradation' project. He is a member of the International Committee on Systematics of Prokaryotes (ICSP).

Research keywords:
agrozoology, metagenomics, biodegradation, petroleum hydrocarbons



Microbial ecology of hypoxic BTEX degradation

The simple monoaromatic hydrocarbons such as the carcinogenic benzene and toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes are among the most frequent groundwater contaminants in Hungary. The aim of the project is to reveal those microbes which are capable of degrading the aromatic contaminants in subsurface ecosystems even under microaerobic conditions.

Dr. András Táncsics
Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics
Campus address: H-2100 Gödöllő, Páter Károly str. 1.

MTMT: 10015701
Scopus: 15077541500