Dr. Zoltán Tóth - MATE Research
Dr. Zoltán Tóth is a researcher at the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences. His research focuses on genetic and genomic strategies for the improvement of the pepper crop. Among other things, he is working on the identification and genetic mapping of disease resistance, as well as the development of genomic tools and pipelines. His primary research effort is concentrated on understanding the mechanisms of the infection process, host responses to pathogens, improving methods of detection, and developing management strategies for these diseases. Much of his work has focused on bacterial spot disease of pepper and tomato caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria. He is interested in resistant mechanisms in bacterial-plant interactions. Furthermore, he explores the mechanisms by which the pepper Me1 gene confers resistance against Meloidogyne disease and investigates approaches to engineering broad-spectrum and durable resistance in crops.
Research keywords:
Genetic analysis for resistance to Xanthomonas hortorum pv gardneri in Capsicum (Capsicum spp.)
Bacterial spot of tomato occurs in both processed and fresh market tomato crops, especially where growing conditions are characterised by high humidity. Infected plants show black lesions on the leaves and fruit, which cause a reduction in yield and fruit quality. Bacterial spot is caused by four species of bacteria in the genus Xanthomonas: X. euvesicatoria, X. vesicatoria, X. perforans and X. gardneri. Bacterial spot of tomatoes is a soil-borne disease that is difficult to prevent and control. Currently, there are few chemicals available that are effective against the pathogens and excessive use of copper has led to the development of resistance in the bacterial population. The use of varieties resistant to bacterial spot offers a potential tool for disease control in the field. Avirulence factors recognised by resistance gene were found in X. euvesicatoria, X. vesicatoria, X. perforans T3 species, X. perforans T4 species. However, no source of resistance was described against X. gardneri. Due to its emergence in the last few years, the discovery of a resistance source is a priority. The aim of this research is to find resistance sources to Xanthomonas hortorum pv. gardneri in the genus Capsicum, which may provide genetic protection against the pathogenic bacteria. The use of resistant varieties is the only alternative to chemical control of infections.
Proximate Analysis of Moringa oleifera Leaves and the Antimicrobial Activities of Successive Leaf Ethanolic and Aqueous Extracts Compared with Green Chemically Synthesized Ag-NPs and Crude Aqueous Extract against Some Pathogens
Studying the Antioxidant and the Antimicrobial Activities of Leaf Successive Extracts Compared to the Green-Chemically Synthesized Silver Nanoparticles and the Crude Aqueous Extract from Azadirachta indica
Different Tactics of Synthesized Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles, Homeostasis Ions, and Phytohormones as Regulators and Adaptatively Parameters to Alleviate the Adverse Effects of Salinity Stress on Plants
Identification of resistance against Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) in tomato
Mechanically and seed transmitted Tobamoviruses cause high economic losses in field and greenhouse production of tomato. Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV), a new Tobamovirus species has been identified in 2014 on tomato fields in Jordan. The virus can break down the resistance (Tm1, Tm2, Tm22) used in tomato breeding for the last 40 years. Finding new resistance sources has been the key question in pepper and tomato resistance breeding. The main objective of our research is to identify new resistance sources for breeders in wild pepper and tomato screening programs.
Correction to: Evaluation of responses to tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) and selection of resistant lines in Solanum habrochaites and Solanum peruvianum germplasm
Soil-Improving Cropping Systems for Sustainable and Profitable Farming in Europe
Soil water retention as affected by management induced changes of soil organic carbon: Analysis of long-term experiments in europe
Inconsistent effects of agricultural practices on soil fungal communities across 12 European long-term experiments
Identification sweet potato virus pathogenes
Sweet potato production is hampered by different virus diseases in tropical and mediterranean regions. Extremely devastating (50-100%) losses are caused by sweet potato specific viruses. In the past years we collected and identified virus infected samples from homegardens and industrial sweet potato fields. Our results increased the demands for a fast and reliable sweet potato virus identification method and the screening of the hungarian viral biom.
First Report of Sweet Potato Chlorotic Stunt Virus Infecting Sweet Potatoes in Hungary
Investigation of the genetic background of resistance to root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne) in pepper
Root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) are among the most widespread obligate biotrophic parasites of many plant species. In agricultural vegetable production, they causes severe damage due to high yield losses when infesting mainly plants in the Solanaceae family, like tomato, pepper and potato. The root-knot nematodes cause dramatic morphological and physiological changes in the host as they establish their feeding site. Identification and molecular characterization of plant genes conferring resistance to root-knot nematodes will provide insights into the mechanisms underlying host-pathogen interactions. To date, several plant lines carrying root-knot nematode resistance genes have been identified from the plant family Solenaceae. Pepper breeding for resistant varieties could provide an effective and environmentally friendly sustainable crop protection against root-knot nematode in vegetable production.
The main objective of this research is to identify the Me1 nematode resistance gene and to understand the molecular mechanism of obligate endoparasitic root-knot nematode (RKN: M. arenaria, M. javanica, M. hapla, and M. incognita) infection. Soil-dwelling root-knot nematodes are among the most damaging pathogens of pepper, tomato and other species of the Solanaceae family. The aim of this research is to identify the broad-spectrum resistance gene Me1 and to perform a functional analysis of the gene and its protein products (sequence analysis, intracellular localisation, identification of interaction partners). The detailed analysis will help to map the molecular processes of plant-pathogen interaction and to identify key players (signaling pathways) involved in the resistance process as well as the pathogen virulence proteins. One of the most interesting questions to be answered is how the protein product of the Me1 gene can inhibit nematode reproduction and infectivity
Genetic analysis of resistance to the bacterium Xantomonas campestris pv. euvesicatoria in sweet pepper (Capsicum spp.)
In Hungary, a significant proportion of vegetable production is accounted for by various species belonging to the Solanaceae family, including pepper (Capsicum annuum). One of the most important diseases causing damage to sweet pepper in field production is bacterial leaf spot caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. euvesicatoria (Xcv). This pathogen finds ideal conditions for its spread worldwide, but especially in tropical and subtropical areas with high temperatures and rainfall. In Hungary, the damage caused by Xcv is significant for peppers grown in field production. Today, there is an increasing demand for plant varieties resistant to pathogenic microorganisms that can produce adequate yields with less or no chemicals. Efficient, environmentally friendly and sustainable pepper production is made possible by the use of resistant pepper varieties. Most of the commercially available Xcv resistant pepper varieties carry dominant resistance genes (Bs1, Bs2, Bs3). However, these genes do not provide protection against all races of Xcv bacteria. During the development of specific resistance to a pathogenic strain, the products of the pathogenic avirulence genes are recognised by the protein of the host resistance genes. The interaction between the host plant and the pathogen results in the activation of several signalling pathways. The development of pathogen infection is inhibited by the resulting cascade mechanisms. Pathogenic micro-organisms, in turn, may be able to re-infect host plants following the evolution of new avirulence factors. This evolutionary competition requires the production of new resistant lines. Our primary objective is to isolate and characterise genes (bs5, bs6) that provide protection against all races of Xcv that cause severe damage to pepper production, using mapping-based cloning.
Genetic analysis for resistance to Xanthomonas hortorum pv gardneri in Capsicum (Capsicum spp.)
Bacterial spot of tomato occurs in both processed and fresh market tomato crops, especially where growing conditions are characterised by high humidity. Infected plants show black lesions on the leaves and fruit, which cause a reduction in yield and fruit quality. Bacterial spot is caused by four species of bacteria in the genus Xanthomonas: X. euvesicatoria, X. vesicatoria, X. perforans and X. gardneri. Bacterial spot of tomatoes is a soil-borne disease that is difficult to prevent and control. Currently, there are few chemicals available that are effective against the pathogens and excessive use of copper has led to the development of resistance in the bacterial population. The use of varieties resistant to bacterial spot offers a potential tool for disease control in the field. Avirulence factors recognised by resistance gene were found in X. euvesicatoria, X. vesicatoria, X. perforans T3 species, X. perforans T4 species. However, no source of resistance was described against X. gardneri. Due to its emergence in the last few years, the discovery of a resistance source is a priority. The aim of this research is to find resistance sources to Xanthomonas hortorum pv. gardneri in the genus Capsicum, which may provide genetic protection against the pathogenic bacteria. The use of resistant varieties is the only alternative to chemical control of infections.
Investigation of the genetic background of resistance to root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne) in pepper
Root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) are among the most widespread obligate biotrophic parasites of many plant species. In agricultural vegetable production, they causes severe damage due to high yield losses when infesting mainly plants in the Solanaceae family, like tomato, pepper and potato. The root-knot nematodes cause dramatic morphological and physiological changes in the host as they establish their feeding site. Identification and molecular characterization of plant genes conferring resistance to root-knot nematodes will provide insights into the mechanisms underlying host-pathogen interactions. To date, several plant lines carrying root-knot nematode resistance genes have been identified from the plant family Solenaceae. Pepper breeding for resistant varieties could provide an effective and environmentally friendly sustainable crop protection against root-knot nematode in vegetable production.
The main objective of this research is to identify the Me1 nematode resistance gene and to understand the molecular mechanism of obligate endoparasitic root-knot nematode (RKN: M. arenaria, M. javanica, M. hapla, and M. incognita) infection. Soil-dwelling root-knot nematodes are among the most damaging pathogens of pepper, tomato and other species of the Solanaceae family. The aim of this research is to identify the broad-spectrum resistance gene Me1 and to perform a functional analysis of the gene and its protein products (sequence analysis, intracellular localisation, identification of interaction partners). The detailed analysis will help to map the molecular processes of plant-pathogen interaction and to identify key players (signaling pathways) involved in the resistance process as well as the pathogen virulence proteins. One of the most interesting questions to be answered is how the protein product of the Me1 gene can inhibit nematode reproduction and infectivity.
Research on the genetic background of resistance to Meloidogyne enterolobii in Capsicum
The root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) are one of the most widespread obligate biotrophic plant parasite pathogens. In agricultural vegetable production, it causes severe damage due to high yield losses when infesting tomato, pepper and potato species, mainly of the Solanaceae family. M. enterolobii can also cause chlorosis as well as yield loss due to the formation of tubers on the roots. Today, several plant lines carrying root-knot nematode resistance genes have been identified in the Solanaceae family. Breeding for resistance loci in these lines could provide an effective and environmentally friendly sustainable crop protection against root-knot nematode in vegetable production. However, currently known Mi-gene-mediated resistance in tomato and pepper of the Solanaceae family does not provide protection against M. enterolobii. The aim of this research is to find a source of resistance to Meloidogyne enterolobii in pepper and tomato plants.
Identification of resistance against Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) in tomato
Mechanically and seed transmitted Tobamoviruses cause high economic losses in field and greenhouse production of tomato. Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV), a new Tobamovirus species has been identified in 2014 on tomato fields in Jordan. The virus can break down the resistance (Tm1, Tm2, Tm22) used in tomato breeding for the last 40 years. Finding new resistance sources has been the key question in pepper and tomato resistance breeding. The main objective of our research is to identify new resistance sources for breeders in wild pepper and tomato screening programs.