
Dr. Zoltán Lakner investigates the application of dynamic system theory in analysis, planning, management and control of large-scale food supply networks, focussing on Africa and Central-Asia. He possesses a wide range of experience in big-data based modelling of complex socio-economic systems by state-of-art methods of statistics, econometrics and artificial intelligence, quantitative, data-driven agricultural and food policy analysis, discrete-time and agent-based modelling of logistical food supply chains, application of game-theory in the analysis of social bargaining processes and open source intelligence (OSINT) tools in research and innovation policy.

Research keywords:
food policy, agricultural economics, policy analysis, econometrics, artificial intelligence, machine learing



SafeConume project (Horizont 2020 project)

SafeConsume is a H2020 research and innovation action aiming to help European consumers to avoid foodborne illness. The most risky consumer kitchen practices were identified and new strategies for reducing risk developed. To improve people’s knowledge and skills, educational materials for teenagers and a food safety game were developed and scientifically proven for changing behaviour. Aiming to make it easier to prepare and store food safely, prototype tools for cooling food, maintaining hygiene, washing vegetables, and measuring remaining shelf life were created and tested.

Prof. Dr. Zoltán Károly Lakner
Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics
Campus address: H-2100 Gödöllő, Páter Károly str. 1.

MTMT: 10000802
Scopus: 6506033503