
Dr. Zoltán Gillay focuses on advancing methods in NIR infrared spectroscopy, striving to enhance precision and efficacy. His expertise extends to the development of applications in hyperspectral imaging, where he explores the potential for innovation. Proficient in image processing, he contributes significantly to automation and the creation of sophisticated measurement algorithms. Beyond his technical pursuits, Zoltan is deeply interested in teaching methodologies in higher education, recognizing the pivotal role they play in shaping future generations. Additionally, he actively engages in understanding and promoting the mental health of students, recognizing the interconnectedness of well-being and academic success.

Research keywords:
corporate social responsibility, near infrared spectroscopy, hyper spectral imaging, electronic tongue, electronic nose, color measurement, deep learning, automation



Monitoring plant growth with NIR

Constructing a climate chamber for precise control of humidity, temperature, and light with varied spectral distributions. This enables thorough exploration of how diverse growing conditions impact plants and their quantification through NIR measurements.

Dr. Zoltán Gillay
Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics
Campus address: H-1118 Budapest, Somlói rd. 14-16.

MTMT: 10033564
Scopus: 16233166900