Dr. Viktor Varjú - MATE Research
Dr. Viktor Varjú is an experienced professional in European and Hungarian environmental policy. His expertise spans the integration of environmental policy into development planning, circular economy social and governmental aspects, and socio-geographical considerations of renewable energy. With a track record in projects like EUBORDERSCAPES (FP7) and 'Governance for Sustainability' (FP6), Viktor has led impactful initiatives. In his role as a research fellow, he contributed significantly to Hungarian case analyses. Noteworthy achievements include leading the Hungarian team in the H2020 – REPAiR and ESPON LAKES projects. Currently, Viktor is heading the Hungarian team in the SSH CENTRE Horizon Europe project, focusing on SSH researchers' limited participation in EU-funded projects. Additionally, he coordinates the Hungarian team in the HE P2GreeN project, leading tasks on circular transition in fertilization, social acceptance, and governance analysis.
Research keywords:
Sustainable Development
The policy transfer of environmental policy integration: path dependency, route flexibility, or the Hungarian way?
Environmental Policy Integration and Its Success on Settlement Level in Hungary
Circular Economy
Urban regions shifting to circular economy: Understanding challenges for new ways of governance
Transferring circular economy solutions across differentiated territories: Understanding and overcoming the barriers for knowledge transfer
Efforts and Barriers Shifting a City Region Towards Circular Transition – Lessons from a Living Lab from Pécs, Hungary
Transferring circular economy solutions across differentiated territories: Understanding and overcoming the barriers for knowledge transfer
Local resource-based development potential as reflected in waste management/circularity transition: Governance barriers in Hungary
Climate Change
Press discourses on ecological crises in the UK, Israel, and Hungary
Renewable Energy
Performance Analysis of Switching Techniques for Induction Motor Drives and Experimental Verification with Smart Didactic System
Lessons from Central and Eastern Europe - Changes and reasons of renewable energy support schemes
Press discourses on ecological crises in the UK, Israel, and Hungary
H2020 REPAiR
The project aimed at supporting decision makers at peri-urban level in the circular economy transition by conducting a living lab and providing GIS-based supporting tool (GDSE).
The project aim is to develop, test and adapt the use of human sanitary waste to produce safe, bio-based fertilizers for agriculture. It also focuses on the socio-economic aspects of the innovation.