
Dr. Brigitta Unger-Plasek's work centers around understanding consumer behavior, focusing on modeling their preferences, attitudes, and choices. She is particularly passionate about exploring the area of sustainability and ethical consumption within these behaviors. Besides exploring the health perception of different products, nowadays her research interests primarily lie in delving into the intricate dynamics that steer consumers towards more responsible and sustainable choices. By employing various models and analytical tools, she aims to unravel the complexities of decision-making processes, shedding light on what motivates individuals to opt for environmentally conscious and ethical products. Ultimately, her goal is to contribute to the advancement of strategies that encourage and support more sustainable consumer behaviors in today's market landscape.

Research keywords:
agro-environmental processes, consumer behavior, marketing, behavioral economics, ethical purchasing decisions



Dr. Brigitta Unger-Plasek
Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics
Campus address: H-1118 Budapest, Villányi rd. 29-43.

MTMT: 10063705
Scopus: 57210425511