Dr. Barbara Simon - MATE Research
Dr. Barbara Simon’s main research interest is the examination of the effects of long-term soil tillage treatments on the soil physical (penetration resistance, bulk density, etc.), chemical (pH, humus quality, organic carbon content and stock, etc.), and biological parameters (earthworm abundance, biomass, species, and soil microbial respiration, etc.). She also examines the soil biological parameters related to different land use (grassy, woody vegetation, arable land, urban, etc.) and application of different mulching materials (straw, deciduous tree leaves, etc.).
Research keywords:
Effect of soil tillage on soil biological parameters (earthworms)
The effects of various tillage treatments on soil physical properties, earthworm abundance and crop yield in Hungary
Three-year investigation of tillage management on the soil physical environment, earthworm populations and crop yields in Croatia
Conservation Tillage Improves Soil Quality and Crop Yield in Hungary
The effect of soil mulching on soil biological parameters
Green Corridors May Sustain Habitats for Earthworms in a Partially Converted Grassland
Effects of Irrigation and Organic Mulching on the Abundance and Biomass of Earthworms
Effect of Mulching on Soil Quality in an Agroforestry System Irrigated with Reused Water
Effect of land use on soil biological parameters (soil microbial respiration)
Bacterial Community Characterization and Microbial Respiration of Selected Arable Soils of Ethiopia
Composted municipal green waste infused with biocontrol agents to control plant parasitic nematodes—a review
The response of soil physicochemical properties and soil microbial respiration to different land use types: A case of areas in Central-North Hungary region
ENVASSO (ENVironmental ASsessment of Soil for mOnitoring)
The ENVironmental ASsessment of Soil for mOnitoring (ENVASSO) Project was funded as Scientific Support to Policy under the European Commission 6th Framework Programme. The main objective was to define and document a soil monitoring system for implementation in support of a Soil Framework Directive, aimed at protecting soil in the EU.
QuESSA: Quantification of Ecological Services for Sustainable Agriculture
The QUESSA project aimed to quantify the key semi-natural habitats providing essential ecological services (eg. control of crop pests, crop pollination, prevention of soil erosion, etc.) across economically important cropping systems, farming intensities and four European agro-climatic zones.