Dr. Gergely Tibor Schally - MATE Research
Dr. Gergely Schally's main field of research is the movement patterns and habitat use of wild animal species, and the spatial and temporal dynamics of the game populations.
Research keywords:
Wildlife biology
High genetic diversity and weak population structuring in the Eurasian Woodcock in Hungary during spring
First description of spatial and temporal patterns of river crossings by European roe deer Capreolus capreolus (Mammalia: Cervidae): characteristics and possible reasons
Movement ecology
Spring migration phenology of Eurasian Woodcocks tagged with GPS-Argos transmitters in Central Europe
Golden jackal expansion in Europe: First telemetry evidence of a natal dispersal
Spatial analyses
Spatiotemporal pattern of wild boar rooting in a Central European dry oak forest
The assessment of wildlife damage estimation methods in maize with simulation in GIS environment