
Dr. Sándor Jombach is engaged in the change analysis and monitoring of green space developments in urban regions related to social, economic and environmental background and exploring the sectorial interrelations and effects of the investments.

Research keywords:
automation, green space, green space intensity, gis, remote sensing, landscape assessment, landscape character, change analysis, mapping



Landscape Character Assessment

The project aims to make the characteristic image of our landscapes tangible, so that the value-representing character of the landscape can be preserved during human landscape-shaping activities. Methodological foundation of the Hungarian landscape character system, identification of areas of application; Mapping and description of national landscape character units; Proposals for the protection, management and development of local landscape character units.

Dr. Sándor Jombach
Institute of Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning and Garden Art
Campus address: H-1118 Budapest, Villányi rd. 29-43.

MTMT: 10033803
Scopus: 35490511300