
The principal investigator (PI), T. Csörgő is a Member of Academy Europe (London) (MAE). He is a research professor at MATE Institute of Technology and he serves as the head of the Laboratory for Femtoscopy at MATE Károly Róbert Campus, Gyöngyös, Hungary. He is also a scientific advisor at the HUN-REN Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Budapest.

Professor Csörgő’s former positions include part time visiting research scholarship at CERN (2018-2121) in Switzerland and France, visiting research scholarship at Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA (2009-2011), visiting research scholarship at Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA, as the Hungarian PI for the PHENIX experiment at RHIC. He acted as a part time guest professor at USP and UNESP, Sao Paulo, Brazil (2000, 2003, 2006). He was a guest researcher at the Columbia University in the city of New York, NY, USA, six times between 1995 – 2001.

Professor Csörgő’s recent national and international recognitions include the Recognition of the American Physical Society (APS), as an APS Outstanding Referee, by Editor in Chief and CEO of the APS (2021), a Certificate of Recognition for the Discovery of Odderon, by the DG of MATE KRC, Hungary (2021), the TOTEM Collaboration Achievement Award, by Spokesperson and Chair of TOTEM Collaboration at CERN (2019), the title EPJ Distinguished Referee, by Chair & Editor in Chief of the European Physical Journal, a Springer journal (2017) and the Knight's Cross, Order of Merit, by the President, Republic of Hungary (2011).

Professor T. Csörgő supervised successfully 6 award-winning and highly decorated PhD students, including M. Csanád, T. Novák, R. Vértesi, M. Nagy, F. Nemes and G. Kasza, three of them are already heads of departments at various leading Hungarian research institutions like Eötvös University, HUN-REN Wigner Research Centre for Physics and MATE Institute of Technology.  He is currently supervising the PhD research of I. Szanyi, who also is already highly decorated.

Professor T. Csörgő contributed significantly to the discovery of the perfect fluid nature of strongly interacting quark-gluon plasma in high energy heavy ion collisions, with one paper cited more than 5000 times, several papers cited more than 500 times.  Professor Csörgő organized the participation of MATE in the PHENIX experiment at RHIC, and in the CMS and TOTEM experiments at LHC. These globally leading experimental collaborations brought MATE Femtoscopy to the forefront of international research in high energy physics. In addition, professor Csörgő was the Hungarian principal investigator in the 2021 odderon exchange discovery papers. His most important signle-authored review paper, a contribution to a NATO Advanced Study Institute report, published in Acta Physica Hungarica A (APH A), received by now more than 170 citations (most likely, this is not due to the tiny impact factor of APH A).

Research keywords:
bose-einstein correlations, theoretical nuclear physics, experimental nuclear physics, theoretical partice physics, experimental particle physics, lévy stable distributions, exact solutions of hydrodynamics


G. Antchev , … T. Csörgő et al. First measurement of the total proton-proton cross section at the LHC energy of sqrt{s} =7 TeV e-Print: 1110.1395 [hep-ex] Published in: EPL 96 (2011) 2, 21002, Europhys.Lett. 96 (2011) 2, 21002 ( 426 citations ) DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/96/21002 

PHENIX Collaboration • A. Adare , ..., T. Csörgő et al. Energy Loss and Flow of Heavy Quarks in Au+Au Collisions at s(NN)**(1/2) = 200-GeV e-Print: nucl-ex/0611018 [nucl-ex] Published in: Phys.Rev.Lett. 98 (2007), 172301 ( 795 citations ) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.98.172301 

PHENIX Collaboration • K. Adcox , … T. Csörgő et al. Formation of dense partonic matter in relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions at RHIC: Experimental evaluation by the PHENIX collaboration e-Print: nucl-ex/0410003 [nucl-ex] Published in: Nucl.Phys.A 757 (2005), 184-283 ( 5000+ GS citations ) DOI: 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2005.03.086 

T. Csörgő Particle interferometr    y from 40-MeV to 40-TeV e-Print: hep-ph/0001233 [hep-ph] Published in: Acta Phys.Hung.A 15 (2002), 1-80  ( 176 citations ) DOI: 10.1556/APH.15.2002.1-2.1 , 10.1007/978-94-011-4126-0_8 

T. Csörgő, B. Lörstad Bose-Einstein correlations for three-dimensionally expanding, cylindrically symmetric, finite systems e-Print: hep-ph/9509213 [hep-ph] Published in: Phys.Rev.C 54 (1996), 1390-1403 ( 297 citations ) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.54.1390 


NKFIH/OTKA K147557, 48 MHUF, Principal Investigator, 2024 – 
Datataking in the CMS experiment in Run3 and analysis of ATLAS, CMS and TOTEM results
In Hungary, the experimental group of the PI achieved a milestone step, controlling remotely the data taking process of the CMS experiment at CERN. CMS is a big experiment at the Large Hadron Collider, at its Point 5 in France, built as a collaboration of nearly 5000 scientists and engineers. Still it lacks currently manpower to take and analyze data. We will contribute significantly to these efforts and also deepen our understanding of high energy particle and nuclear physics by investigating the properties of Odderon exchange, expected for nearly 50 years but discovered only in 2021.

NKFIH/OTKA K133046, 48 MHUF, Principal Investigator, 2020- 2024
Discovering the vector and tensor glueballs at CERN LHC with the TOTEM and CMS experiments
Our research is the discovery of the smallest geometrical structures (rings and balls), that have ever been created by humans: their length scales are as small as one meter per one million per one million per one thousand. We aim to discover these new states within QCD, the theory the strong interactions, in its new domain, that has not yet been explored experimentally so far. We have never been able to discover before composite, strongly interactive particles that consists of gluons only, but lack valence quarks or antiquarks, but by now we started the publications of a series of four TOTEM manuscripts that present conditional evidence for this discovery. The discovery of the Odderon implies that a fundamental symmetry, the crossing symmetry between proton-proton and proton- antiproton elastic collisions is violated at LHC energies. It also implies that several quarkless bound states called glueballs have to exist, and are accessable to the TOTEM and CMS experiments, in particular to the Precision Proton Spectrometer project of CMS.

NKFIH/OTKA NK101438, 96 MHUF, Principal Investigator, 2012- 2015
Search for the critical point and for a new domain of QCD in PHENIX at RHIC and in TOTEM at LHC
We aim at localizing the critical point of QCD with the help of critical opalescence, a phenomena well known in physical chemistry. To be able to apply this technique we plan to utilize a new definition of optical opacity, introduced recently by the Pricipal Investigator for an analysis of RHIC data. After localizing the QCD critical point we plan to charactize its universality class with a set of critical exponents. In particular, our interest lies in the determination of the critical exponent of the correlation funcion, where earlier experience of our group can be well utilized, in terms of an analysis utilizing Lévy stable distributions.

Prof. Dr. Tamás Csörgő
Institute of Technology
Campus address: H-3200 Gyöngyös, Mátrai str. 36.

MTMT: 10005573
Scopus: 57202624381