Prof. Dr. László Zsidai - MATE Research
Dr. László Zsidai's main research areas revolve around Tribology, with a focus on examining the sliding and wear characteristics of polymer-metal dry friction systems through laboratory small-scale model testing. This includes exploring surface morphology, surface energy, and frictional heat. The goal is to identify optimal operating conditions in frictional applications for existing materials and emerging material developments. Additionally, he is involved in Additive Technologies, investigating anisotropic material structures created via 3D printing. The research looks into the effects of printing orientation, infill and layering, as well as exploring new material developments such as composites.
Research keywords:
Tribology polymer/metal dry sliding systems
Design of a tribotester for evaluation of polymer components under static and dynamic sliding conditions
Abrasive wear and abrasion testing of PA 6 and PEEK composites in small-scale model system
The tribological behaviour of engineering plastics during sliding friction investigated with small-scale specimens
Friction and thermal effects of engineering plastics sliding against steel and DLN-coated counterfaces
3D printed polymers tribology
Tribological characteristics of digital light processing (DLP) 3D printed graphene/resin composite: Influence of graphene presence and process settings
Comprehending the role of process parameters and filament color on the structure and tribological performance of 3D printed PLA
Effect of print orientation and bronze existence on tribological and mechanical properties of 3D-printed bronze/PLA composite
Investigations of the mechanical properties of dlp 3d printed graphene/resin composites
Ion implantated-plasma treatment
Improvement of adhesion properties of polyamide 6 and polyoxymethylene-copolymer by atmospheric cold plasma treatment
Thermal conductivity of plasma modified polyethylene terephthalate and polyamide-6 layers
Development of laboratory-scale high-speed rotary devices for a potential pharmaceutical microfibre drug delivery platform
Polymer structure and antimicrobial activity of polyvinylpyrrolidone-based iodine nanofibers prepared with high-speed rotary spinning technique
OTKA-NKFI 42511-K, Participating Researcher
Tribological research of modern, self-lubricating technical plastic composites in dynamic motion and load systems, modular development of dynamic tribometer.
OTKA/NKFI-K 113039, Participating Researcher
Adhesion and tribological properties of polymer surfaces treated with atmospheric cold plasma process
ESA-Contract No. 4000136800/21/ NL/CBi HU_100, Participating Researcher
Abrasion testing of artificial lunar and Martian soil samples on rotating shaft/sealants
NTP-HHTDK 16-0074, NTP-OTDKR 16-0067, NTP-HHTDK 17-0070, NTP-HHTDK 21-0062, Project Leader
Institutional TDK organisation and support for TDK workshops, Applications announced in support of OTDK student participation fees
Development of laboratory-scale high-speed rotary devices for microfibre formation for potential pharmaceutical and biomedical applications. The aim of the research is to investigate the production of polymeric microfibers and nanofibers by rotating centrifugal fiberization, which can be used in drug delivery and tissue engineering applications. The coordinated orientation of the fibers and, consequently, the improvement of the mechanical properties of the scaffold are essential in many pharmaceutical and biomedical applications where high tensile resilient materials are required. This study aimed to develop a high-speed rotary microfiber drawing device for the production of polyvinylpyrrolidone-based homopolymer and copolymer rotating braided fibers and to establish a relationship between the operating parameters of the devices and the morphology and microstructure of the manufactured fibers.