
Prof. Dr. habil. Lóránt Dénes Dávid, academician, is an extremely versatile Hungarian scholar. Born in 1968, he graduated in History (MA), Geography (MA), Economics: Catering and Hospitality (BSc), Economist in Business Development (MSc), European Studies and as a Geography-English Technical Translator. He was a scholarship holder in Oxford, Cambridge, London, and Amsterdam. After earning his PhD degree from the University of Debrecen, Hungary in Geography (Earth Sciences) in 2001, he completed the habilitation processes in 3 disciplines (Management and Business Administration, Environmental Sciences, and Regional Sciences – probably the only person in the world to do this - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Habilitation). He has become an internationally recognized researcher and professor in the fields of geography and tourism, and holds full-professor positions in Poland, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Slovakia, and Hungary. His extensive research has resulted in many prestigious journal articles, studies, papers and books. His work is available in the best-known databases (SCOPUS, Thomson Reuters/Clarivate Analytics). Furthermore, he has developed an exemplary international professional cooperation network, has served as a guest professor at many universities in Europe and overseas (in all continents in a lot of countries, including USA, Russia, Japan), and has also been an active promoter of Hungary's European and oriental relations. As an awardee of the Jean Monnet Professorship (EU Commission), he designed and implemented a major educational program in tourism and regional development. Moreover, he has been very active in editing scholarly journals both in Hungary and abroad. He is an ordinary member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (EASA). He is a prominent professor in many universities officially. He has spearheaded groundbreaking research in tourism, regional sciences, and sustainability. His work has revolutionized our understanding of sustainable tourism development, highlighting the intricate relationship between tourism, environment, and local communities. Through innovative methodologies and interdisciplinary approaches, he has provided valuable insights for policymakers and industry stakeholders, driving forward sustainable practices in tourism and regional development.

Research keywords:
sustainable development, tourism, hospitality, geography, earth sciences, economics, environmentalism, regional studies and sciences, circlular economy, bioeconomy, multi-, trans- and interdisciplinary fields


Ogutu, H., El Archi, Y., & Dávid, L.D. (2023). Current trends in sustainable organization management: A bibliometric analysis. Oeconomia Copernicana, 14(1), 11-45. https://doi.org/10.24136/oc.2023.001 

Zhu, K., Quan, Z.,  Chen, Y., Zhang, Y., Li, T.; Yan, X., Alimov, A., Farmanov, E. & Dávid, L.D. (2023). Regional sustainability: pressures and responses of tourism economy and ecological environment in the Yangtze River basin, China. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 11., Paper: 1148868, 22p. https://doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2023.1148868 

Cheng Y., Zhu K., Zhou Q., El Archi Y., Kabil M., Remenyik B., Dávid L.D. (2023). Tourism Ecological Efficiency and Sustainable Development in the Hanjiang River Basin: A Super-Efficiency Slacks-Based Measure Model Study. Sustainability. 15(7), Paper: 6159, 17p. https://doi.org/10.3390/su15076159  

Dávid Lóránt, Baros Zoltán (2007). A possible use of indicators for sustainable development in tourism. ANATOLIA: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY RESEARCH  18:2 pp. 349-355. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13032917.2007.9687211

El Archi Y., Benbba B., Nizamatdinova Z., Issakov Y., Vargáné G. I., & Dávid L. D. (2023). Systematic literature review analysing smart tourism destinations in context of sustainable development: current applications and future directions. Sustainability 15(6), Paper: 5086, pp 1-15. doi.org/10.3390/su15065086


1. ROP 3.3.1. Program 
Number: ROP 3.3.1-05/01.-2005-10-0001/31. 
Term: 2006. August – 2008. February 
Contractual partner: Károly Róbert College  
Theme: The macroeconomic function of tourism in the Northern Hungarian Region: Research and Student Internship Program 
Grant amount: 60.000.000 HUF (support) 
Between 2006 and 2008 perhaps the greatest volume ROP supported regional tourism development program was implemented. During the project term and as a result of the statistical basis research efforts several studies were put forth providing more details than their previous counterpart on the problems related to the professional aspects of tourism along with identifying potential developmental trends including catering, travel arrangement, accommodation provision, rural tourism, event organisaton, tourism management, and instruction. Several publications earned scientific prizes and the respective results have an internationally acclaimed novelty value and analytical scope. Consequently, their utilization is of national economic interest. 
Project leader: Dr. Lóránt Dávid 

2. South-East Europe Transnational Cooperation Program (EU) 
Project name briefly: SAGITTARIUS 
Project title: Preservation of local heritage by the enterprise sphere: strategies and devices for united action aiming at the protection of premises, the mobilization of cultural values, and the dissemination of the respective experiences. Consortium leader: University of Aegean 
Consortium leader: University of Aegean, Athene, Grece 
Members of the Consortium: 20 European institutions  
Theme: Exploration and utilization of local cultural values for tourism purposes. 
Total budget: 2.596.480 EUR 
Grant provided for Károly Róbert College: 154.100 EUR 
ERDF support: 85%, -governmental contribution: 15%, - own financing: 0% 
Term: 2011-2014, Project Leader: Dr. Lóránt Dávid  

3. South-East Europe Transnational Cooperation Program (EU) 
Project name briefly: LIMES DANUBE BRAND 
Project title: The expansion of the Duna Limes– UNESCO World Heritage along the Lower Danube region UNESCO  
Consortium leader: University of Vienna, Department for History 
Consortium members: 9 European institutions  
Project theme: Exploration and utilization of local cultural values for tourism purposes. 
Total budget: 1.183.800 EUR 
Grant provided for Károly Róbert College: 100.000 EUR 
ERDF support: 85%, - governmental contribution: 15%, - own financing: 0% 
Term: 2012-2014, Project leader: Dr. Lóránt Dávid 

4. Interreg Danube Transnational Programme 
Programme priority: Priority 2 
Programme priority specific objective: SO 2.2 Foster sustainable use of natural and cultural heritage 
and resources 
DTP Project Code and Acronym: Living Danube Limes 
Project title: Valorising cultural heritage and fostering sustainable tourism by LIVING the common heritage on the DANUBE LIMES as basis for a Cultural Route 
eMS Project Number: 359 
Name of the lead partner organization/in English: University for Continuing Education Krems, Danube University, Krems 
Project duration: 30 months 0 days 
Start date: 01.01.2020 
End date: 30.06.2022 
Total budget: 3.252.500 EUR 
Davino Ltd. budget: 102.500 EUR 
Managing director (project leader in Hungary): Dr. Lóránt Dávid 

Prof. Dr. Dávid Lóránt Dénes
Institute of Rural Development and Sustainable Economy
Campus address: H-2100 Gödöllő, Páter Károly str. 1.

MTMT: 10002985
Scopus: 23034044700