One Health Research Group

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The “MATE-ÉTI-One Health” Research Group aims to advance knowledge in the field of animal physiology, nutrition and health by performing research addressing questions at the intersections of human, animal, and environmental health. It pursues innovative studies of the interaction between climate change, animal nutrition and health. We use an integrated, interdisciplinary approach to improve our understanding on health related problems like zoonotic diseases, specific stress induced metabolic symptoms and to answer on climate change challenges by adapting feeding strategies. Therefore complex examinations will be carried out to verify the usability of alternative feeds related to climate change as well as increasing the body's resistance with in ovo treatment in poultry. As part of One Health the occurrence of emerging but so far neglected parasitic zoonoses with increasing significance as a result of climate change will be investigated. 

The project will enable us to use a holistic approach by improving our knowledge on nutritive value of drought resistant crops as well as feeding techniques to improve production and robustness of meat producing poultry. The program addresses to improve our understanding on the dynamics of biotic (eg. zoonosis) and abiotic stress (eg. temperature) in ecosystem and farm animals' response.


Prof. Dr. Melinda Kovács

Institute of Animal Physiology and Nutrition
University Professor
Research keywords: mycotoxins, feed and food safety, production physiology, one health


Dr. Ágnes Csivincsik

Institute of Animal Physiology and Nutrition
Research Fellow
Research keywords: one health, wildlife, population health, emerging infectious disease, parasitology

Prof. Dr. Károly Dublecz

Institute of Animal Physiology and Nutrition
University Professor
Research keywords: feed additives, gut health, poultry nutrition, nutrient digestibility

Dr. Veronika Halas

Institute of Animal Physiology and Nutrition
Associate Professor
Research keywords: nutrients, pigs, broiler chicken, laying hen, total tract digestibility, ileal digestibility, dietary energy, amino acids, early feeding, in ovo nutrition

Dr. Gábor Nagy

Institute of Animal Physiology and Nutrition
Research Fellow
Research keywords: one health, wildlife, parasitology, geospatial epidemiology, landscape epidemiology

Dr. Nikoletta Amanda Such

Institute of Animal Physiology and Nutrition
Assistant Lecturer
Research keywords: poultry, nutrition, ammonia emission, feed additives, gut health, gut microbiota

Dr. Omeralfaroug Ali

Institute of Animal Physiology and Nutrition
Research Assistant
Research keywords: toxicology, lipids, fatty acids, polar lipids, chromatography

Prof. Dr. András Szabó

Institute of Animal Physiology and Nutrition
University Professor
Research keywords: lipids, fatty acids, blood lipids, animals and toxicology

Selected publications resulted from the project

Kulcsár S, Turbók J, Kövér G, Balogh K, Zándoki E, Ali O, Szabó A, Mézes M. Exposure to a Combination of Fusarium Mycotoxins Leads to Lipid Peroxidation and Influences Antioxidant Defenses, Fatty Acid Composition of Phospholipids, and Renal Histology in Laying Hens. Toxins (Basel). 2024 May 13;16(5):226. doi: 10.3390/toxins16050226

Omeralfaroug, A. L. I., & Szabó, A. (2024). Fumonisin Distorts the Cellular Membrane Lipid Profile: A Mechanistic Insight. Toxicology, 153860.

Szabó András EU határértéken és felette adagolt fumonizin B1 mikotoxin májkárosító hatásának elemzése patkányokban In: 53. Membrán-Transzport Konferencia - Programfüzet (2024) 144 p. p. 25 , 1 p.