Dr. Richárd Kicsiny - MATE Research
Dr. Richárd Kicsiny's current researches relate mostly to the theory of computation and, within that, Turing machines in connection with modeling fundamental phenomena (like mutation and selection) in the field of artificial life. He also deals with game theoretical problems and mathematical modeling and control of solar thermal (engineering) systems.
Research keywords:
Allocation of limited resources under quadratic constraints
New algorithm for checking Pareto optimality in bimatrix games
Solution for a class of closed-loop leader-follower games with convexity conditions on the payoffs
Game Theory
Game-theoretical model for the sustainable use of thermal water resources: the case of Ischia volcanic Island (Italy)
Differential game model with discretized solution for the use of limited water resources
Backward induction algorithm for a class of closed-loop Stackelberg games
Mathematical Modeling
Multiple linear regression based model for the indoor temperature of mobile containers
Explicit analytical solution of a differential equation model for solar heating systems
Differential game model with discretized solution for distributing heat produced by solar heating systems
Optimal production and distribution of hot water from renewable heat resources
We provided explicit mathematical formulas for the outlet temperature of solar heating systems producing domestic hot water. We distributed domestic hot water produced by solar heating systems, and thermal water resources, among several consumers in an optimal or game-theoretically equilibrated way.