Dr. András Ittzés - MATE Research
Dr. András Ittzés' first own research topic was the statistical process control for quality assurance in food industry. Later he applied his expertise, classical and multivariate methods of mathematical statistics in areas of agriculture, horticulture, mental health etc. He was also engaged in effectiveness testing of training programs and has experience in qualitative methods, as well. As a mathematician he teaches mathematical and statistical subjects. He has been the co-worker of several researchers from different fields of agriculture, food science and other areas.
Research keywords:
Applied statistics in agriculture and food science
Deoxynivalenol in wheat, maize, wheat flour and pasta: surveys in Hungary in 2008–2015
Effects of single and repeated drought on soil microarthropods in a semi-arid ecosystem depend more on timing and duration than drought severity
Allelopathic effects of leachates of Juglans regia L., Populus tremula L. and juglone on germination of temperate zone cultivated medicinal and aromatic plants
Multivariate methods
Untying the gordian knot of guilt and shame: The structure of guilt and shame reactions based on situation and person variation in Belgium, Hungary, and Peru
Consumer perception of local food products in Hungary