
Dr. Zsuzsanna Galbacs Nagyne is a research fellow, at the MATE, Genomics Research Group, Department of Plant Pathology Institute of Plant Protection. 
Her research focuses on molecular virology, and plant pathogen detection using metagenomic approaches. Virome identification of fruit trees and grapevine using small RNA high-throughput sequencing. 
Dr. Zsuzsanna Galbacs Nagyne studies the role of virus reservoirs of invasive weeds growing in agricultural and horticultural areas and natural habitats.

Research keywords:
fruit tree, rnai, high-throughput sequencing (hts), virus diagnostics, weeds


1/ Sarolta Hoffmann, Gabriele Di Gaspero, László Kovács, Susanne Howard, Erzsébet Kiss, Zsuzsanna Galbács, Raffaele Testolin and Pál Kozma, Resistance to Erysiphe necator in the grapevine ’Kishmish vatkana’ is controlled by a single locus through restriction of hyphal growth., 2008, Theoretical and Applied Genetics, D1 (IF:3,79), 116 pp. 427-438., 12 p doi.org/10.1007/s00122-007-0680-4

2/ Galbács, Zs; Molnár, S; Halász, G; Hoffmann, S; Kozma, P; Kovács, L; Veres, A; Galli, Zs; Szőke, A; Heszky, L and Kiss, E, Identification of grapevine cultivars using microsatellite-based DNA barcodes, 2009, Vitis, Q2 (IF:1,3),  48: 1 pp. 17-24. doi.org/10.5073/vitis.2009.48.17-24

3/ Szabó A, Várallyay E, Demian E, Hegyi A, Galbács Zs, Kiss J, Bálint H, Loxdale D, Balog A. Local aphid species infestation on invasive weeds affects virus infection of nearest crops under different management systems., 2020, Front Plant Sci, D1 (IF:4,47) 11:684. doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2020.00684

4/ Pasztor G, Galbacs Zs, Kossuth T, Demian E, Nadasy E, Takacs A, Varallyay E., Millet Could Be both a Weed and Serve as a Virus Reservoir in Crop Fields., 2020, Plants, Q1 (IF:2,762), 9, 954 doi.org/10.3390/plants9080954

5/ Demian, E., Holczbauer, A., Galbacs, Z.N., Jaksa-Czotter, N., Turcsan, M., Olah, R., Varallyay, E., Variable populations of grapevine virus T are present in vineyards of Hungary, 2021, Viruses, Q1 (IF:5,048), 13 (6) doi.org/10.3390/v13061119


Dr. Zsuzsanna Nagyné Galbács
Institute of Plant Protection
Campus address: H-2100 Gödöllő, Szent-Györgyi Albert str. 4.

MTMT: 10077520
Scopus: 23024603100