Dr. Zsolt Csenki-Bakos - MATE Research
Dr. Zsolt Csenki-Bakos is specialised in the field of experimental toxicology, primarily working with zebrafish model. His main field of research is the examination of the embryotoxic effects of Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) and mycotoxins, for which he uses, in addition to the classical protocols, several self-developed alternative test methods and biomarker/bioindicator zebrafish lines. Dr. Csenki-Bakos is at the forefront of leading a research group on aquatic ecotoxicology within the Department of Environmental Toxicology at MATE.
Research keywords:
method development
EDC chemicals/biomarker zebrafish development
mycotoxin research
Project no. 1.: REPurpose - "Repurposing post-consumer waste into recyclable rubbery plastics" funded by the European Union (Grant Agreement No 101057971)
REPurpose aims to develop a Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design platform where local post-consumer waste is upcycled into new functional REP polymers for the thermoplastic elastomers high-value market.
Project no. 2.: WaterGreenTreat „A green approach in the frame of circular economy: robocasted photocatalysts for wastewater treatment and use of reclaimed water in agriculture.” (Water4All-2022-FP-00049)
The project aims to obtain photocatalysts based on ecogenic metal oxide composites for the removal of pharmaceutically active compounds and dyes in wastewater treatment and thus facilitate the use of regenerated water in agriculture.
Project no. 3.: 2020-1.1.2-PIACI-KFI-2021-00239 Multiparaméteres vizsgálati rendszerek kifejlesztése a mikroműanyagok környezeti hatásainak elemzésére/ Development of multiparameter test systems for the analysis of the environmental effects of microplastics
The aim of the project is to evaluate the environmental risk of microplastic particles with microbiological and ecotoxicological tests, to develop a multiparameter testing system for the microplastic content of water, air and waste water to evaluate possible risks.