
Dr. Nikoletta Amanda Such PhD is a member of the poultry nutrition research group at the Institute of Physiology and Nutrition. Her focus is to raise awareness how nutrition can modify gut microbiota in the gut of the chicken. In recent years she has carried out several animal experiments with pro- and prebiotics and in addition to production parameters, she also investigated the bacteria composition of different gut segments. The importance of this research is, that due to the increase in antimicrobial resistant bacteria, using antibiotics in animal farming should be decreased and other dietary tools should be found to improve gut health. She also conducts research to decrease the environmental footprint of animal production, which includes finding alternatives of soybean meal in poultry nutrition and also finding out nutritional methods in order to decrease ammonia emission.

Research keywords:
poultry, nutrition, ammonia emission, feed additives, gut health, gut microbiota


Molnár, A.; Such, N.; Farkas, V.; Pál, L.; Menyhárt, L.; Wágner, L.; Husvéth, F.; Dublecz, K. Effects of Wheat Bran and Clostridium butyricum Supplementation on Cecal Microbiota, Short-Chain Fatty Acid Concentration, pH and Histomorphometry in Broiler Chickens. Animals 2020, 10, 2230. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani10122230

Such, N.; Schermann, K.; Pál, L.; Menyhárt, L.; Farkas, V.; Csitári, G.; Kiss, B.; Tewelde, K.G.; Dublecz, K. The Hatching Time of Broiler Chickens Modifies Not Only the Production Traits but Also the Early Bacteriota Development of the Ceca. Animals 2023, 13, 2712. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani13172712

Such, N.; Farkas, V.; Csitári, G.; Pál, L.; Márton, A.; Menyhárt, L.; Dublecz, K. Relative Effects of Dietary Administration of a Competitive Exclusion Culture and a Synbiotic Product, Age and Sampling Site on Intestinal Microbiota Maturation in Broiler Chickens. Vet. Sci. 2021, 8, 187. https://doi.org/10.3390/vetsci8090187

Such, N.; Mezőlaki, Á.; Rawash, M.A.; Tewelde, K.G.; Pál, L.; Wágner, L.; Schermann, K.; Poór, J.; Dublecz, K. Diet Composition and Using Probiotics or Symbiotics Can Modify the Urinary and Faecal Nitrogen Ratio of Broiler Chicken’s Excreta and Also the Dynamics of In Vitro Ammonia Emission. Animals 2023, 13, 332. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani13030332

Such N, Mezőlaki A., Tewelde KG, Pál L, Horváth B, Poór J and Dublecz K. Feeding sunflower meal with pullets and laying hens even at a 30% inclusion rate does not impair the ileal digestibility of most amino acids. Front. Vet. Sci. 2024. 11:1347374. https://doi.org/10.3389/fvets.2024.1347374


Co-Operative Doctoral Program 2020-2021, supported by NKFIH in cooperation with Zala-Cereália Kft.: Influence of the performance parameters and the gut microbiota composition of broilers with probiotics feed additives.

ÚNKP-23-4 New National Excellence Program of The Ministry for Culture and Innovation from the Source of the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund 2023/24: Investigating of the effect of sunflower meal-based diet with pullets and laying hens.

MATE Research Excellence Programme 2024-2025: Evaluation the nutritional value of dehulled and hulled oats to broiler chickens

Dr. Nikoletta Amanda Such
Institute of Animal Physiology and Nutrition
Campus address: H-8360 Keszthely, Deák Ferenc str. 16.

MTMT: 10060633
Scopus: 57208752558