
Dr. Mónika Máté obtained her PhD degree in food science in 2002 at the Doctoral School of Food Science of Szent István University. Her scientific work is focused on product and technology development of fruits and vegetables, especially on the utilization possibilities of the by-products generated during processing. Her current work deals with the extraction of biologically valuable components of fruit pomace, as well as their potential applications as natural antioxidants and antimicrobial substances.

Research keywords:
product development, antioxidants, extraction, fruit and vegetable by-products, processing technologies


Furulyás, Diána ; Szalóki-Dorkó, Lilla ; Máté, Mónika ; Stefanovits-Bányai, Éva. Enrichment of apple juice with antioxidant-rich elderberry (Sambucus nigra L) pomace extractACTA ALIMENTARIA: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE 53: 2 pp. 327-335. 9 p. (2024) https://doi.org/10.1556/066.2024.00087 
Gonelimali, Faraja;  Szabó-Nótin, Beatrix ; Máté, Mónika Purification of the apple pomace polyphenol extract using adsorbent resinPROGRESS IN AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES 19: S1 pp. 97-104. 8 p. (2023) 
Kavela, Efaishe Tweuhanga Angaleni ; Szalóki-Dorkó, Lilla ; Máté, Mónika The Efficiency of Selected Green Solvents and Parameters for Polyphenol Extraction from Chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa (Michx)) PomaceFOODS 12: 19 p. 3639 (2023) 
Máté, Mónika ; Selimaj, Granit; Simon, Gergely ; Szalóki-Dorkó, Lilla ; Ficzek, Gitta. Assessment of Berries of Some Sea Buckthorn Genotypes by Physicochemical Properties and Fatty Acid Content of the SeedP LANTS-BASEL 11: 24 Paper: 3412 (2022) 
Gonelimali, Faraja Deo ; Szabó-Nótin, Beatrix ; Máté, Mónika Optimal drying conditions for valorization of industrial apple pomace: Potential source of food bioactive compounds.
PROGRESS IN AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES 17: S1 pp. 69-75. 7 p. (2021) https://doi.org/10.1556/446.2021.30009


GINOP-2.2.1-18. A Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg térség gyümölcs termesztési és feldolgozási komplex rendszerének fejlesztése a hatékony és fenntartható gazdasági működtetés érdekében (Development of the fruit growing and processing complex system of the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg area for efficient and sustainable economic operation)

The most important objective of AGRICOLAE Kft. with the implementation of the project is the production of high added value final products from traditional fruits of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county with a special taste and aroma, using innovative, gentle preservation and production technology, and selling them on domestic and foreign markets, as well as ecosystem-based development of farming conditions and their adaptation in the region. https://elelmiszertudomany.uni-mate.hu/fut%C3%B3-projektek

Dr. Mónika Máté
Institute of Food Science and Technology
Campus address: H-1118 Budapest, Villányi rd. 29-43.

MTMT: 10030099
Scopus: 14042817600