
Dr. Miklós Gulyás's scientific interests encompass all areas of organic and mineral nutrient nutrition, ranging from the fundamental biochemical processes of nutrient uptake to the broader ecological implications of agricultural fertilization practices.His research focuses on the effects of organic and mineral fertilizers, and their combinations, within soil-plant systems, meticulously analyzing how these inputs influence soil nutrient cycling, and ultimately, crop yield and quality.Recently, his interest has been directed toward the development of fertilizers that enhance nutrient uptake, increase retention, and reduce losses, leveraging cutting-edge technologies and sustainable practices to create solutions that are both agriculturally effective and environmentally sound.These developments align with European Union regulations, contributing to the broader goals of the 'Farm to Fork' strategy and other initiatives aimed at promoting a more sustainable and resilient food system across Europe.

Research keywords:
Anaerobic digestate, Compost, Manure, Biochar, Artificial fertilizer


Anaerobic digestate

Gulyás, M., Someus, E., Klátyik, S., Fuchs, M., Varga, Z. I., Dér, S., Fekete, G., Czinkota, I., Székács, A., Gyuricza, C., & Aleksza, L. (2022). Effects of Combined Application of Solid Pyrolysis Products and Digestate on Selected Soil Properties of Arenosol and Plant Growth and Composition in Laboratory Experiments. Agronomy, 12(6), 1440. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy12061440


Varga, Z. I., Shahzad, S., Ramay, M. W., Damak, M., Gulyás, M., Béres, A., Gyuricza, C., Székács, A., & Aleksza, L. (2024). Ammonia and Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Organic Manure Composting: The Effect of Membrane Cover. Agronomy, 14(7), 1471. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy14071471

Artificial fertilizer

Umar, W., Balogh, J., Hameed, M. K., Ayub, M. A., Anwaar, M. H., Czinkota, I., & Gulyás, M. (2023). Reduction of nitrous oxide emission by using stearic acid combined zinc coated urea in silty clay and sandy loam soils under bare and planted conditions. Heliyon, 9(12). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e22578

Umar, W., Czinkota, I., Gulyás, M., Aziz, T., & Hameed, M. K. (2022). Development and characterization of slow release N and Zn fertilizer by coating urea with Zn fortified nano-bentonite and ZnO NPs using various binders. Environmental Technology & Innovation, 26,  102250. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eti.2021.102250


Zubairu, A. M., Michéli, E., Ocansey, C. M., Boros, N., Rétháti, G., Lehoczky, É., & Gulyás, M. (2023). Biochar Improves Soil Fertility and Crop Performance: A Case Study of Nigeria. Soil Systems, 7(4), 105. https://doi.org/10.3390/soilsystems7040105


Dr. Miklós Gulyás
Institute of Environmental Sciences
Campus address: H-2100 Gödöllő, Páter Károly str. 1.

MTMT: 10043447
Scopus: 55270704000