
Dr. Márk Horváth is an Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Environmental Analysis and Environmental Technology in the Institute of Environmental Sciences, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Gödöllő, Hungary.

His research activities include extension of application and validation of sequential extraction techniques originally developed for aquatic sediments for analyzing soil, sediment, biofilm and different solid samples. The importance of the research is to obtain a holistic evaluation of potentially toxic element mobility in environmental systems expanding the sampling to all sample forms including soil, sediment and water. The work also involves development of environmental analytical methods and calibration methods for elemental analysis.

He authored and co-authored 43 research articles in high-impact scientific journals. His Hirsch index currently is 9.

He is a Lead Auditor at the National Accreditation Authority, a board member of the Spectrochemical Society of Hungarian Chemical Society, and a member of the Environmental Chemistry Working Group of the Environmental Chemistry Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

Research keywords:
environmental analysis, instrumental analysis, fractionation, validation, icp-oes


Naser, H., Czinkota, I., Dorkota, A., Horváth, M. (2023): A review of the advancements of potentially toxic element adsorption by various cellulose-based materials and the used adsorbents' fate. Prog. Agric. Engin. Sci. 19 (1): 1-13. doi: 10.1556/446.2023.00068

Naser, H., Horvath, M., Czinkota, M. (2023): Incorporation of adsorbent ash with potentially toxic elements into mortar: a sustainable approach. J. Haz. Tox. Radioact. Waste 27 (1):04022037. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)HZ.2153-5515.0000734

Al-Labadi, I.G., Shemy, M.H., Ghidan, A.Y., Allam, A. A., Horváth, M., Ajarem, J.S., Luo J., Wang, C., Abukhadra, M.R. (2023): Insight into the effects of H2SO4 and HNO3 acidification processes on the properties of coal as an enhanced adsorbent for ciprofloxacin residuals: Steric and energetic studies. Front. Chem. 11: 1130682. doi: 10.3389/fchem.2023.1130682

Horváth, M., Heltai, Gy., Várhegyi, A., Mbokazi, L. (2022): A study on the possible relationship between physico-chemical properties of the covering soil and the mobility of radionuclides and potentially toxic elements in a recultivated spoil bank. Minerals 12 (12): 1534. doi: 10.3390/min12121534

Heltai, Gy., Győri, Z., Fekete, I., Halász, G., Kovács, K., Takács, A., Khumalo, L., Horváth, M. (2019): Application of flexible multi-elemental ICP-OES detection in fractionation of potentially toxic element content of solid environmental samples by a sequential extraction procedure. Microchem. J. 149: 104029. doi: 10.1016/j.microc.2019.104029


Research aimed at developing a prototype of herbal-chelate feed additives for food-purpose pigs, which focuses on reducing antibiotic usage, lowering environmental impact, and achieving higher meat quality; project identifier:  VKE_2017-1.3.1-VKE-2017-00001
NKFIH project (2017-2020); completed; project role: Participant Researcher. The research program focused on two main areas: first, developing a prototype feed using a combination of herbal extracts, probiotics, and trace element chelates. Second, efforts were focused on the analytics and adaptation of novel mycotoxin-degrading enzymes, which can enable the routine screening and production of mycotoxin-degrading enzymes. http://drbata.com/2017-131-vke-2017-00001

Evaluation of environmental mobility and long-term transformation of heavy metal contamination in soils and sediments; project identifier: OTKA K 108558
OTKA Project, 2013-2017, completed; project role: Participant Researcher. The aim of the research has been to develop the methodology of the EU-BCR four-step sequential extraction procedure, to validate it to several sample matrices (soil, sediment, aerosol, biofilm) and elaboration and application of a new sequential extraction procedure which is less aggressive as and able to extract some intact species forms. Using these methodological achievements on two formerly heavy metal contaminated areas (Tisza 2000-2001, Gödöllő-Isaszeg lakes 1995-1998) the evaluation of long-term changes in mobilisation possibility of contaminants has been performed. http://nyilvanos.otka-palyazat.hu/index.php?menuid=930&lang=HU&num=108558

Technical Assistance for Mining Waste Management Project in Ankara, Turkey.
Laboratory training – Trainer (EuropeAid/129156/D/SER/TR). https://www.cfcu.gov.tr/tender/36953

Dr. Márk Horváth
Institute of Environmental Sciences
Campus address: H-2100 Gödöllő, Páter Károly str. 1.

MTMT: 10022469
Scopus: 36070611100