
László Csambalik is a horticultural engineer. His main research focus is on the different aspects of organic vegetable production, especially  tomato. He has a permanent interest in the utilization of Hungarian tomato landraces and old varieties in modern agricultural practice; his research aims to overcome abiotic disorder-related yield reductions with genotype-adjusted production technology and  emphasize the nutritional significance of different tomato landraces. His other research direction is related to the role of artificial lighting in horticultural practice, especially to the applicability of targeted temporary light treatments in organic farming for the enhancement of vegetative and nutritional traits, as well as  reduce plant protection issues.

Research keywords:
sustainability, agroecology, landraces, led light treatments, phytochemicals, antioxidants



Dr. László Csambalik
Institute of Rural Development and Sustainable Economy
Campus address: H-1118 Budapest, Villányi rd. 29-43.

MTMT: 10033752
Scopus: 56418390200