Prof. Dr. Márta Ladányi - MATE Research
Dr. Márta Ladányi is a university professor at the Department of Applied Statistics of the Institute of Mathematics and Basic Science. She has more than 34 years of experience in higher education, mainly in the subjects of mathematics, biometrics, statistics, bioinformatics, and informatics. Her specialisation is mathematical-statistical modelling, data analysis with applications in life sciences.
Research keywords:
Statistical models in soil sciences
Effects of single and repeated drought on soil microarthropods in a semi-arid ecosystem depend more on timing and duration than drought severity
Explore the influence of soil quality on crop yield using statistically-derived pedological indicators
Interpretation of soil quality indicators for land suitability assessment – A multivariate approach for Central European arable soils
Long-term effects of conservation tillage on soil erosion in Central Europe: A random forest-based approach
Statistical models in Entomology
Temperature-dependent development of Aproceros leucopoda (Hymenoptera: Argidae), an invasive pest of elms in Europe
Cold tolerance strategy and cold hardiness of the invasive zigzag elm sawfly Aproceros leucopoda (Hymenoptera: Argidae)
Effect of temperature on the sex ratio and life table parameters of the leek-(L1) and tobacco-associated (T) Thrips tabaci lineages (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)
Host plant range of Aproceros leucopoda is limited within Ulmaceae
Reproductive Isolation in the Cryptic Species Complex of a Key Pest: Analysis of Mating and Rejection Behaviour of Onion Thrips (Thrips tabaci Lindeman)
There Is No Influence of Egg Size on Sex Allocation in Arrhenotokous Lineages of Thrips tabaci Lindeman
Reproductive Isolation in the Cryptic Species Complex of a Key Pest: Analysis of Mating and Rejection Behaviour of Onion Thrips (Thrips tabaci Lindeman)
Statistical models in viticulture
Stability of ampelometric characteristics of vitis vinifrra l. cv.'syrah' and 'sauvignon blanc' leaves: Impact of within-vineyard variability and pruning method/bud load
Bois noir affects the yield and wine quality of Vitis vinifera L. cv. ‘Chardonnay’
The Effect of Grapevine Variety and Wine Region on the Primer Parameters of Wine Based on1H NMR-Spectroscopy and Machine Learning Methods
Morphological Traits Evaluated with Random Forest Method Explains Natural Classification of Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) Cultivars
Statistical models in diversity studies
Birds and plants: Comparing biodiversity indicators in eight lowland agricultural mosaic landscapes in Hungary
Tomato Landraces May Benefit from Protected Production—Evaluation on Phytochemicals
Local characteristics of the standing genetic diversity of european beech with high within-region differentiation at the eastern part of the range
In the shade – Screening of medicinal and aromatic plants for temperate zone agroforestry cultivation
Tomato Landraces May Benefit from Protected Production—Evaluation on Phytochemicals
Statistical models of biological processes
Degradation of anthocyanin content in sour cherry juice during heat treatment
Mathematical modelling of the accumulation of carbohydrates and organic acids throughout the ripening process of Hungarian sour cherry cultivars
Stress-induced changes of growth, yield and bioactive compounds in lemon balm cultivars
Changes of the microsporogenesis process and blooming time of three apricot genotypes (Prunus armeniaca L.) in Central Hungary based on long-term observation (1994–2018)
Production of cinnamyl alcohol glycosides by biotransformation in roseroot callus cells
Heat treatment of reishi medicinal mushroom (Ganoderma lingzhi) basidiocarp enhanced its β‐glucan solubility, antioxidant capacity and lactogenic properties
Estimation of Blooming Start with the Adaptation of the Unified Model for Three Apricot Cultivars (Prunus armeniaca L.) Based on Long-Term Observations in Hungary (1994–2020)