
Dr. Katalin Juhos obtained her PhD in 2015 in Horticultural Science from Horticultural Science Doctoral Programme of the Corvinus University of Budapest in Hungary. Her field of expertise is the monitoring of indicators of soil quality and soil health and their analysis using machine learning methods. Her current research area is the measurement and validation of the amino-nitrogen content of soils and the impedance of plants by setting up model pot experiments. Since the functions of soils, such as their ability to supply nitrogen, can not only be measured by soil tests but are also indicated by the plants themselves, with the  application of  soil and plant physiology methods together, she seeks answers to the following questions: (1) is amino-nitrogen suitable for soil mineralization to characterize its potential, (2) can impedance-based monitoring methods demonstrate the nitrogen supply capacity of different soils and the actual N supply of plants?

Research keywords:
regenerative agriculture, soil health, soil nutrient management


Juhos, Katalin, Enikő Papdi, Flórián Kovács, Vasileios P. Vasileiadis, and Andrea Veres. 2023. “The Effect of Wool Mulch on Plant Development in the Context of the Physical and Biological Conditions in Soil.” PLANTS-BASEL 12 (3): 684. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants12030684 

Nugroho, P A, K Juhos, N Prettl, B Madarász, and Zs Kotroczó. 2023. “Long-Term Conservation Tillage Results in a More Balanced Soil Microbiological Activity and Higher Nutrient Supply Capacity.” INTERNATIONAL SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION RESEARCH 11 (3): 528–537. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.iswcr.2023.03.003

Juhos, K, P A Nugroho, G Jakab, N Prettl, Zsolt Kotroczó, N Szigeti, Z Szalai, and B Madarász. 2024. “A Comprehensive Analysis of Soil Health Indicators in a Long‐term Conservation Tillage Experiment.” SOIL USE AND MANAGEMENT 40 (1). https://doi.org/10.1111/sum.12942

Madarász, B, G Jakab, Z Szalai, K Juhos, Zs Kotroczó, A Tóth, and M Ladányi. 2021. “Long-Term Effects of Conservation Tillage on Soil Erosion in Central Europe: A Random Forest-Based Approach.” SOIL & TILLAGE RESEARCH 209. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.still.2021.104959

Flórián, Kovács, Papdi Enikő, Veres Andrea, Mohay Piroska, Szegő Anita, and Juhos Katalin. 2024. “More Efficient Nitrogen Utilization through Wool Pellet and Soil Inoculation.” AGROSYSTEMS GEOSCIENCES & ENVIRONMENT 7: 1–15. http://doi.org/10.1002/agg2.20534 


2013-2016: Optimisation of Integrated Solid Waste Management Strategies for the Maximisation of Resource Efficiency (FP7-REGIONS-2012-2013-1 WASTECOSMART GA No. 319969)
The Project addressed the priority areas of a “Resource Efficient Europe” and relates to the EcoAP, by boosting innovation based on research and technology development within the field of integrated waste management. Through cross border cooperation and collaborative research activities between six regional research driven clusters, the project strengthened regional capacities for investment, research and technological development. The core goal was to help introduce innovation to the market in this sector and as a consequence support economic growth and regional development. The partners of WASTECOSMART joined forces to elaborate one Joint Action Plan (JAP) for the coordination and strengthening of their complementary RTD capacities. In close consultation with regional stakeholders from the scientific world, businesses and public authorities (triple helix), the regions elaborated a coordinated set of Regional Research Agendas and a cross-regional Joint Action Plan, which set a common roadmap for future collaborative RTD activities and developed synergetic follow-up projects in these key domains. The formation of regional waste management clusters was further strengthened through the mentoring of less developed regions, the dissemination of the outcomes on various platforms and internationalisation measures reaching out to other high potential regions in the world. WASTECOSMART’s approach to waste management was based on a novel and innovative process applying a holistic set of practices.

Dr. Katalin Juhos
Institute of Environmental Sciences
Campus address: H-1118 Budapest, Villányi rd. 29-43.

MTMT: 10033765
Scopus: 55389834600