Dr. Edit Kaszab - MATE Research
As the Head of the Department of Environmental Safety, Dr Edit Kaszab coordinates basic and applied research activity in the fields of environmental microbiology, molecular biology, ecotoxicology, environmental safety, and environmental protection, with a special focus on the environmental drivers of antimicrobial resistance. Her expertise covers the cultivation, enrichment and comprehensive characterization of antibiotic-resistant microorganisms originating from various environmental matrices in accordance with the One Health approach of the WHO Dr. Kaszab plays a significant role in the organization and planning of the education activity of the Institute and teaches at BSc, MSc and PhD levels.
Research keywords:
Environmental Safety
Antimicrobial Resistance
Environmental Microbiology
REPurpose - "Repurposing post-consumer waste into recyclable rubbery plastics" funded by the European Union (Grant Agreement No 101057971)
REPurpose aims to develop a Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design platform where local post-consumer waste is upcycled into new functional REP polymers for the thermoplastic elastomers high-value market.
Development of multiparameter test systems for the analysis of the environmental impact of microplastics.
Project no. 2020-1.1.2-PIACI-KFI-2021-00239
Development of a new risk management model system in order to increase water and food safety in the fish product area
Project No. NVKP_16-1-2016-0023
Fish meat consumption in Hungary is well below the European average, and it would be good to know more about the quality of fish meat as well. A project, starting now and following factors influencing the quality of fish products all the way from the lake to the table, may offer a solution to both problems. The independent laboratory, university and other professional partners participating in the 1.5 billion HUF project will examine the waters, the sediments, the stress the fish undergo and processing technologies, they will develop new and cost-effective analytical methods, and limit values will be determined to form the foundation for legal regulation. The main objective of the project is to make sure that not only fish but also people become healthier.