
Dr. Géza Bujdosó is a scientific advisor and horticultural scientist. He  focuses  on the evaluation of some Persian walnut (Juglans regia L.) varieties, genotypes and accessions derived from our own or foreign breeding programmes, as well as their phenological, chemical and genetic characteristics. Beside the breeding and evaluation activities, he is also engaged in improving some elements of the growing technology. His aim is to have better understanding of the impact of different environmental effects on  walnuts. Furthermore, he  also does  some research activities on the different possibilities of organic production evaluation. During his career he was awarded with Miklós Faust scholarship, therefore he is a visiting scholar at Cornell University (Geneva, NY, USA). 

Research keywords:
breeding, persian walnut, phenology, evalutaion, nut characteristics, impact of the environment, phenolic profile of different organs



Dr. Géza Bujdosó
Institute of Horticultural Sciences
Campus address: H-1223 Budapest, Park str. 2.

MTMT: 18167
Scopus: 26027734900