Dr. Krisztina Kovács - MATE Research
Dr. Krisztina Filepné Kovács, Ph.D. is an associate professor at the Department of Landscape Planning and Regional Development. Her main subjects include Landscape planning, Spatial planning and Regional development. Her research focuses on landscape function analysis, rural development, urban sprawl, land cover, land use conflicts in peri-urban areas and spatial planning systems of European countries. She has participated in the preparation and execution of several Hungarian and international projects and worked with international teams in ConnectGREEN and SaveGREEN INTERREG projects.
Research keywords:
Land Cover, Landscape Change
Spatial Trends of Grassland Changes Based on Hungarian Local Studies After 1990 with a Macro-Regional Perspective
Landscape changes and function lost landscape values
Land use and land cover changes in post-socialist countries: Some observations from Hungary and Poland
Peri-urban Areas
Analyses of new artificial surfaces in the catchment area of 12 Hungarian middle-sized towns between 1990 and 2018
Landscape changes and function lost landscape values
Spatial Planning in European Countries
Landscape Functions, Ecosystem Services
Rural regions with different landscape functions: Comparison analysis of two pilot regions in Hungary
Landscape changes and function lost landscape values
In the frames of ConnectGREEN project, partners from different countries of the Charpathian region and various fields of activity (spatial planning, research, government, biodiversity conservation) worked together to increase the capacity of ecological corridors identification and management and to overcome the conflict between infrastructure development and wildlife conservation. In the project we coordinated the elaboration of
• best practices in the field of protection of landscape connectivity, restoration of wild life corridors
• state of the art report about the spatial planning system and practice of partner countries
• gaps and problems related to identification and maintaence of ecological corridors in the partner countries
The project SaveGREEN aims to demonstrate ways of designing appropriate mitigation measures and maintaining or improving the functionality of ecological corridors through integrated planning. It thereby builds on key results of the DTP projects TRANSGREEN, ConnectGREEN, and HARMON. Monitoring the impact of such measures will help us to learn and derive proper recommendations for follow-up action and policy design. The focus of the project will be on critical ecological corridors of the Alpine-Carpathian Corridor, SW-Carpathians, Zakarpattia, Beskydy, Lyulin and Balkan mountains impacted by linear transport projects and unsustainable land use.