
Dr. Erika Varga is a habilitated associate professor at the Institute of Rural Development and Sustainable Economy. She has served as chair of multicultural conferences in the 2010s and an active member of the editorial board of Regional and Business Studies of MATE University. 

Her research focuses on the economic and educational aspects of competences, green HR, management and leadership issues. / Her expertise lies in analysing economic phenomena from multicultural and intercultural aspects. 
Dr. Erika Varga’s work contributes to questions of how we can meet sustainability goals in education, management and green HR via transformational leadership.
Her theoretical work examines how the efficiency of other resources in the resource system of business organizations are largely dependent on the human factor that drives companies forward and enhances their efficiency. Her empirical work has assessed these theories in settings ranging from human psychological aspects, motivation, performance, encouragement, and continuous learning, training, adult education, further training, personality development and lifelong learning as well as maintaining the competitiveness and sustainability issues of the company as well as in the paradigm of economics.
Across her research, she analyses factors that are needed for companies to have excellent, above average, competent employees (and thus efficient organizations). 
Dr. Erika Varga designed and executed several research into economic, sociological, psychological, marketing, PR, pedagogical, management theories and some andragogical aspects of human resource management. 
Her findings are instrumental in selection, training, performance appraisal, and remuneration (incentives) within human resource management.  She made significant contributions in how human and organisational issues help and support corporate competitiveness. 
She authored and co-authored eight research articles in high-impact scientific journals.
Dr. Erika Varga has collaborated with three V4 research groups across Europe and worldwide, and she has successfully applied for Erasmus+ academic grants nationally and internationally. She was awarded the laurel wreath for her accomplishments by the rector of MATE university.

Research keywords:
hr practices, post-pandemic education, higher education experience, trust building and fake news on social media, economic recovery, consumer awareness, consumption patterns


Ludvík, EGER ; Dana, EGEROVÁ ; Michal, MIČÍK ; Erika, VARGA ; Csilla, CZEGLÉDI ; Lukasz, TOMCZYK ; Michaela, SLÁDKAYOVÁ (2020) Trust building and fake news on social media from the perspective of university sudents from four Visegrad countries. COMMUNICATION TODAY 11 : 1 pp. 70-88. , 19 p.  https://www.academia.edu/44340017/Trust_Building_and_Fake_News_on_Social_Media_from_the_Perspective_of_University_Students_from_Four_Visegrad_Countries

Dajnoki, Krisztina ; Pató Gáborné, Szűcs Beáta; Kun, András István ; Varga, Erika ; Tóth, Arnold ; Kálmán, Botond Géza ; Kovács, Ildikó Éva ; Szabó, Szilvia ; Szabó, Katalin ; Majó-Petri, Zoltán et al.( 2023) Impact of the three waves of COVID-19 pandemic on the HR practices of Hungarian organizations: Experience from an empirical study. PLOS ONE 18 : 6 Paper: e0283644 , 22 p. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0283644

Katalin, Szabó ; Erika, Varga; Tímea, Juhász (2023) Higher Education Experience in the Shadow of COVID-19: The Hungarian Online Education. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY EDUCATION 12 : 2 pp. 629-645, 17 p. doi.org/10.13187/ejced.2023.2.629

Csehné Papp, Imola ; Varga, Erika; Juhász, Tímea (2023) Examining the attitudes towards further education of students in the bachelor training programmes of higher education. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT 37 : 6-7 pp. 1125-1141. , 17 p. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/IJEM-07-2022-0246/full/html

Juhász, Tímea ; Varga, Erika; Tóth, Arnold (2023) Examining young people’s awareness of electricity consumption during the energy crisis from the perspective of economics students in Hungary. ENTREPRENEURIAL BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS REVIEW 11 : 4 pp. 75-89. , 15 p. doi.org/10.15678/EBER.2023.110405


Strategic Visegrad project no: 31410020 'Innovative Entrepreneurship Education -   necessary precondition for future prosperity of V4 region’
The project is focused on entrepreneurship education in V4 countries. The main aim of the project is to support development of innovative entrepreneurship education. The core of the project is research situation analysis of entrepreneurship education in V4 countries with focus on higher education and identification of innovative entrepreneurship education programmes and initiatives. The project brings together multiple stakeholders who play key role in facilitating entrepreneurship education.

Strategic Visegrad project no. 21830123 ’Social media and trust building’
This project aims to shed light on misuse of social media, show how to behave on social media to prevent becoming a subject of misuse and to build trust towards safe social media use. One of the additional objectives is educational aspect connected with developing a set of scenarios for students in V4 countries. The scenarios will focus on strengthening media competencies, namely, discerning fake media messages from the true ones. So far, there are no educational compendia addressed to V4 teachers, that would cover the issues of truth and false in media, based on meta-theoretical analysis of research results from PL, CZ, SK and HU.

Strategic Visegrad project no. 22120110 “Strengthening soft skills as employment key tool: Transferring V4 experience” 
The project aims to establish a Soft Skills Development Centre (SSDC) at Armenian National Agrarian University (ANAU), with the support of V4 partner universities - Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra and University of South Bohemia). Training in new soft skills modules, developed during the implementation of the project, will increase the chances of employment of the graduates, as well as advance the opportunities of existing professionals during their working life. The implementation period of the project is: 01/01/2022–30/06/2023. 

Dr. Erika Varga
Institute of Rural Development and Sustainable Economy
Campus address: H-2100 Gödöllő, Páter Károly str. 1.

MTMT: 10065391
Scopus: 57217575739