
Throughout his three decades of research, Dr. István Csízi has consistently conducted and led research on grassland management. His specific field of interest is the changes in plant stand structure and phytomass yield of semi-natural grass communities in saline soils of Solonyec under the influence of various factors. In parallel, he has been involved in experiments and tender projects related to sheep breeding, the utilization sector most closely related to grassland cultivation. He has tried to stay as close as possible to market practice, as manager of the University's sheep farm in Karcag, in order to maintain an up-to-date sense of reality in his applied research.

Research keywords:
extensive grassland cultivation, grassland cenology, sheep breeding


Extensive grassland production:
Phytomass yields of grassland associations in Solonyec soil conditions as a function of season, utilisation type and input costs.

The most relevant publications are avaliable through the author's Scopus profile

Grassland Coenology:
Monitoring the vegetation structure of different semi-natural grassland associations, in particular under- and over-utilisation, zoogenic fluctuations.

The most relevant publications are avaliable through the author's Scopus profile

Sheep breeding:
Comparative studies on sheep genotypes, technological improvements in husbandry and feeding, assisted biotechnology experiments.

The most relevant publications are avaliable through the author's Scopus profile



Research on complex rural economic and sustainability development, development of a service network in the Carpathian Basin.

The project will be implemented in the field of food and agricultural sciences, one of the seven priority scientific areas announced. The overall aim of the project is to promote the linkage of domestic researchers to international research through the study of multifunctional agricultural development issues. Over the 36-month project period, the consortium plans to carry out research and develop a service network for complex rural economic and sustainability development in the Carpathian Basin through thematic research collaborations. This will be done in order to achieve effective and sustainable research, development and innovation activities in the region in the field of agricultural sciences, primarily through the study of multifunctional agricultural development issues, in the coming period, both at national and international level.


Dr. István Csízi
Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics
Campus address: H-5300 Karcag, Kisújszállási str. 166.

MTMT: 10011522
Scopus: 57221523348