Adam Csorba - MATE Research
Adam Csorba is a soil scientist who specializes in integrating modern, instrument-based methods into soil observation workflows, including soil mapping and monitoring. His research focuses on soil spectroscopy, remote sensing, and proximal soil sensing. He leads the development of Hungary’s first country-scale soil spectral library. Additionally, he contributes to several H2020 and Horizon Europe projects to advance soil information systems for the African continent and develop soil health indicators for soil monitoring in Africa.
Research keywords:
Soil spectroscopy
Michéli, E., Fuchs, M., Gelsleichter, Y., Zein, M., Csorba, Á. (2023). Spectroscopy Supported Definition and Classification of Sandy Soils in Hungary. In: Hartemink, A.E., Huang, J. (eds) Sandy Soils. Progress in Soil Science. Springer, Cham.
Owusu, S., Michéli, E., Yeboah, E., Ocansey, C.M., Csorba, Á. (2023). Properties and Mid-infrared Spectral Signatures of Sandy Soils in Ghana. In: Hartemink, A.E., Huang, J. (eds) Sandy Soils. Progress in Soil Science. Springer, Cham.
Provision of soil information
Wawire, A., Csorba, Á., Zein, M., Rotich, B., Phenson, J., Szegi, T., Tormáné Kovács, E., & Michéli, E. (2023). Farm Household Typology Based on Soil Quality and Influenced by Socio-Economic Characteristics and Fertility Management Practices in Eastern Kenya. Agronomy, 13(4), 1101.
Erika Michéli, Ádám Csorba, Vince Láng, Tamás Szegi, András Székács, Gábor Várszegi, Márta Fuchs, László Pásztor, Endre Dobos, Soil priorities for Hungary, Geoderma Regional, Volume 29, 2022, e00521, ISSN 2352-0094
Remote sensing
Csorba, A., Szegi, T., Fodor, H., Bukombe, B., Uwiragiye, Y., Naramabuye, F. X., & Michéli, E. (2019). Characterization of rice agriculture in the Southern Province of Rwanda by means of microwave remote sensing. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 112, 58-65.
Soil Information System for Africa (Soils4Africa)
The aim of Soils4Africa is to provide an open-access soil information system with a set of key indicators and underpinning data, accompanied with a methodology for repeated soil monitoring across the African continent.
Africa Union Soil Observatory (AUSO)
The AUSO project aims to tackle soil degradation in Africa by establishing a continental soil monitoring system. It will consolidate and provide accessible soil health data, supporting evidence-based decision-making, sustainable land management, and agricultural productivity across the continent.