
Quang D. Nguyen is a full professor at the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences. His research focuses on applied biotechnology such as fermentation technology, bioconversion, biotransformation, microbial technology, enzymology and their application in food and feed, as well as environment. He also actively performs the research on development of different foods with special functions such as prebiotics, probiotics and synbiotics, postbiotics, on development of renewable bioenergy such as bioetanol, biobutanol, biohydrogens, biogas, bioelectricity (microbial fuel cell technology). In 2010, he successfully adapted and managed the research on microbial fuel cell (MFC) into the research portfolios of Budapest Corvinus University. In the last decade, he turned his research attention into valorisation of biomass and waste to value-added products, development of tools for tracing Protected Geographical Indication (GPI) products as well as development of sustainable production systems in frame of circular bioeconomy concept, especially production system for foods, feeds and bioproducts. He is key person (co-PI) in many national (22 projects) and international (12 projects) thematic projects related to fields of biotechnology (agricultural, food and environment), and food products as well as nutrition.

Professor Nguyen is director of Bioengineering BSc program at the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, and lead of Food biotechnology subprogram in the Doctoral School of Food Science, MATE. He has high experience in teaching and research in the area of bioengineering including bioprocessing, enzyme technology, microbial technology, bioseparation, bioinformatics, microbial engineering, biological data processing, data science, bioremediation, functional foods, special foods, nutrition and related disciplines. His exhibited very high activities in the training and mentoring of graduate and PhD students. Up to date, 12 PhD students had successfully completed their doctoral activities, and 2 PhD candidates are in defence process. He also mentored more than 70 BSc students (5 international students) and 48 MSc students (15 international students) to their graduation. He also accepted many colleagues from partner institutions to do the short research periods in his laboratory. He has comprehensive collaboration network worldwide (UK, India, Kina, Austria, Germany, Norway, Vietnam, Holland, Belgum, France, Croatia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Argentia, Thailand, etc.).

His interdisciplinary research strongly aligns with the UNSDGs especially focusing on Zero Hunger (SDG 2), Good Health and Well-Being (SDG 3), Affordable and Clean Energy Technology (SDG 07), Sustainable Cities and Communities (SDG 11), Responsible Consumption and Production (SDG 12), Climate Action (SDG 13), Life Below Water (SDG 14), and Life on Land (SDG 15). As bioengineer and teacher, sustainability and circular bioeconomy concept are main aspects in his research thus he strongly believes that application of microorganisms (microbial technology) can significantly improve efficacy of processes. Engineering of microbes together with fermentation technology is key bioprocessing approach in applied biotechnology including development of next generation biorefinery, valorisation of biomass, waste, production of biofuels, bioelectricity, improving environmental sustainability etc. He is member of Bioengineering Working Group (Hungarian Academy of Sciences), Food-biotechnology Working Group (Hungarian Academy of Sciences), Food technology and nutrition Working Group (Hungarian Academy of Sciences), Hungarian Society for Microbiology, Hungarian Society for Food Science and Nutrition

Quang D. Nguyen has 100 peer-reviewed publications, 7 book chapters and 2 books in his hands with total citations more than 3200. Also, he is the editor of Acta Alimentaria, Fungal Biology and Biotechnology, Research and Innovation in Food Science and Technology, as well as Guest Editor of some special issues in Bioresource Technology, Foods, Food and Bioproducts Processing etc.

During his career, he received some recognitions from different organisations such as Fellowships: 2007-2010: Bolyai Janos Research Fellow (Hungarian Academy of Sciences), 2012-2015: Bolyai Janos Research Fellow (Hungarian Academy of Sciences); Awards: Best Poster Presenter 2002, Publication Awards for Young Researchers 2003; Prizes: Pro Alimentis Hungariae (Minister of Agriculture, Hungary), MATE Gold Medal 2024 (MATE).

Research keywords:
nutrition, applied biotechnology, microbiome, functional foods, biorefinery


Manikant, Tripathi; Deepti, Diwan; Amritesh, Shukla; James, Gaffey; Neelam, Pathak; Kavya, Dashora; Ashok, Pandey; Minaxi, Sharma; Sanjay, Guleria; Sunita, J. Varjani; Quang, D. Nguyen; Vijai, K. Gupta: Valorization of dragon fruit waste to value-added bioproducts and formulations: a review. Critical Reviews in Biotechnology. 43: 2254930 (2023). DOI: 10.1080/07388551.2023.2254930

Rai, Akanksha; Sharma, Vivek K.; Sharma, Minaxi; Singh, Shiv M.; Singh, Brahma N.; Pandey, Anita; Nguyen, Quang D.; Kumar Gupta, Vijai: A Global Perspective on a New Paradigm Shift in Bio-Based Meat Alternatives for Healthy Diet. Food Research International 169: 112935 (2023). DOI: 10.1016/j.foodres.2023.112935

Vi, N.H. Vu; Csilla, Kohári-Farkas; Róbert, Filep; Gábor, Laszlovszky; Ban, My Thi; Erika, Bujna; Vijai, Kumar Gupta; Quang, D. Nguyen: Design and construction of artificial microbial consortia to enhance lignocellulosic biomass degradation. Biofuel Research Journal 10: 1890-1900 (2023). DOI: 10.18331/BRJ2023.10.3.3

Vu, Vi; Farkas, Csilla; Riyad, Ouahab; Bujna, Erika; Kilin, Akos; Sipiczki, Gizella; Sharma, Minaxi; Usmani, Zeba; Kumar Gupta, Vijai; Nguyen, Quang D.:  Enhancement of the enzymatic hydrolysis efficiency of wheat bran using the Bacillus strains and their consortium. Bioresource Technology 343: 126092 (2022) DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2021.126092

Ram, Prasad; Atanu, Bhattacharyya; Quang, D Nguyen: Nanotechnology in Sustainable Agriculture: Recent Developments, Challenges and Perspectives. Frontiers in Microbiology 8:1014 (2017). DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.01014


FOOD4CE - Strengthening Innovation Capacities Among Central European Alternative Food Networks
The foundations of alternative food networks (AFNs) are not new, but organised and network-like AFNs only emerged in Europe and Hungary in the first decade of the 2000s. They are a new type of innovative, short and local food networks, organised through producer-consumer cooperation based on personal, direct or community-based, trusting relationships, and offering a real choice to profit-oriented industrial food production practices, avoiding the negative effects of conventional food systems. They also value the local origin and ecological benefits of the product. Over the last decade, AFNs have become an important part of the EU food supply, the food economy and have proven to be sustainable, resilient and innovative. The main objective of the Food4CE project is to create 5 local and 1 international innovation hubs bringing together different actors from the food sectors (researchers, business experts, food producers, logistics and transport operators, consumers and policy makers) to explore AFNs in Central Europe, to decipher their operating mechanisms, to enhance their efficiency and resilience, to strengthen and recognise their true alternative food supply function. The International Innovation Centre will support knowledge transfer (be it transfer and/or absorption), the transfer of new practices, technologies and solutions between regional innovation centres (between participating countries) and will create a unique mutual support network for AFNs in Central Europe. The full process of local level innovation centres and the integration of transnational innovation centres into the existing European network of logistics competence centres will result in a sustainable and durable AFN support mechanism, which is expected to continue after the project is completed. https://www.interreg-central.eu/projects/food4ce/?tab=media

GINOP_PLUSZ-2.1.1-21-2022-00048 - Development of milk protein based foods and food ingredients for special applications
Milk Protein Isolate (MPI) or Milk Protein Concentrate (MPC) are ones of main product lines in dairy industry. Currently, whey protein-based products take a domination in sports and clinical nutrition sector because of excellent bioavailability and advantageous technofunctional properties. One of main goals of our project is production of a special protein mixture from MPI/MPC that definitely have some advantages including high nutritional value (even higher biological value than of the whey protein) and thus it significantly increase the application potential of MPC/MPI-s. The digestibility and bioavailability of the original MPI/MPC products will be improved by a) different biotechnological bioconversions such as enzymatic technique or use of microbes; b) the addition of (non-MPI/MPC) protein preparations from other sources that can modify the amino acid compositions and pattern in the final product. The second main goal should be the development of new labelling system associated with trademark that will inform correctly and use-friendly all basic nutritional information for consumers even for dummies as well as provide objectively and scientifically the nutritional values of any food products, protein preparations, any kinds of foods or supplements. https://mizo.hu/hu/tartalom/ginop-plusz-2-1-1-21-2022-00048

GINOP-2.2.1-18-2020-00025 - Development of the complex system of fruit production and processing in the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg region for efficient and sustainable economic operation
Recently, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county produces more than 50 % of total amount of fruits in Hungary. These fruits have a unique taste and flavour thanking to the special microclimate and the soil conditions. The main objective of this project is to explore, preserve and convert these values preserved in the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg region into economic values through close cooperation between private companies located in the region and one of the best agricultural universities in Hungary. Three main topics were defined: a) development of complex quality management system for fruit production and processing in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county, b) development of technology for production of highly value-added fruit-based products, c) commercialisation of “Szatmár taste” brand. https://palyazatok.uni-mate.hu/ginop-2.2.1-18-2020-00025

Prof. Dr. Quang D. Nguyen
Institute of Food Science and Technology
Campus address: H-1118 Budapest, Villányi rd. 29-43.

MTMT: 10000224
Scopus: 35095407900