Dr. Bernadett Kovács - MATE Research
As an associate professor at department of Agricultural Digitization and External Services, Dr. Bernadett Horvathné Kovács investigates data based management decision systems in animal farming and AI applications. Smart farming and IoT systems increasingly support the data analysis technologies in favour of expert systems. Many AI approaches having been tested for various purposes covering herd management and health care. Not only a more efficient decision making, but on the basis of real-time data linked alerts or continuous monitoring of the behaviour of animals are esteemed as high financial benefit both on the side of cost effectiveness and stable, reliable and predictable production. In dairy farming, in the course of their daily routines of herd monitoring, tracing milk quantity and quality parameters generates big data that she works on in order to rationalise input use and also monitor the farms operations' environmental effects which contribute to sustainable production and SDG'S.
Research keywords:
AI in decisions support expert systems in animal farming management
The most relevant publications are avaliable through the author's Scopus profile
Efficiency and accuracy of AI based herd management expert systems in dairy farming
The most relevant publications are avaliable through the author's Scopus profile