Dr. Krisztina Mária Takács - MATE Research
Dr. Krisztina Takács's main research interests include food protein analytics such as the development of protein separation and purification techniques for protein structural/functional studies (SDS-PAGE, single/multi-step chromatographic separation, membrane filtration techniques), applied immunology /antibody-based immunoassay methods (e.g. ELISA, immunoblotting, produce of polyclonal antibody) for the determination of proteins (expressed, antinutritive, potential allergen, gut resistant, bioactive, transgenic) in raw materials, food matrices, food subjected to technological treatments); in vitro digestion modelling, paying special attention to food allergy, healthy nutrition and food safety.
Research keywords:
Cereals, wheat allergy, identification of wheat proteins that cause coeliac disease or wheat allergy
The most relevant publications are avaliable through the author's Scopus profile
Legumes, allergens, protein antinutritives
The most relevant publications are avaliable through the author's Scopus profile
Apple allergen studies
The most relevant publications are avaliable through the author's Scopus profile
In vitro digestion studies, food nutrition
The most relevant publications are avaliable through the author's Scopus profile
FVM 34048/2003 AKF
Food safety investigation of transgenic wheat special regard to the presence of Trichoderma Hamatum originated Thamchi chitinase (42 kDa)” (2003-2004)
Development of hypoallergenic high quality dry pastas by the use of transglutaminase enzyme” (2003-2004)
Patients with coeliac disease should avoid eating foods containing gluten. This is why the importance of gliadin-free foods is growing. In our work, wheat flour-based pasta treated with the enzyme transglutaminase was investigated. We observed an improvement in the structure of the product and a reduction in its allergenicity.
FVM 34138/2003 AKF
By producing transgenic bread wheat, we aim to increase the resistance of wheat to Erysiphe graminis and grain rust. If the crop meets food safety standards, it will hopefully be used for feed or food in the near or distant future. Food safety studies as allergen risk assessment was carried out.
OMFB-00004/2008, Registration No. ESP-31/2006
Hungarian-Spanish Intergovernmental S&T Cooperation Programme for 2008-2009 Project proposal titled ESP-31/2006 „Implication of bioactive compounds of lupins on nutrition and health”
Legumes are considered as a highly valuable source of proteins, but their nutritional value is limited due to their non-nutritive components (e. g. glycosides, phytates, tannins, etc.),). By our side, protease inhibitors and lectins of legume seeds (raw, technological treated) were analysed and characterized by immune-analytical techniques.
VM KFI project “Expanding the range of sustainable functional foods with high added-value based on leguminous seeds” (2017-2019)
More than 50% of the plant proteins are wheat proteins in our diet), which can lead to an unbalanced diet causing non-communicative diseases. Legumes play an effective role in the prevention of these diseases. As food ingredients, their products can be easily integrated into traditional plant and animal foods
COST FA1005 Action Cooperation in the field of scientific and technical research, Food and Agriculture “ Improving health properties of food by sharing our knowledge on the digestive process (INFOGEST)” (2011-2015)
Main scientific goals were to Identify the beneficial food components released in the gut during digestion, to support the effect of beneficial food components on human health, to promote harmonization of currently used digestion models.
Most relevant publication is available through the following link