
Katalin Szendrő enthusiastically explores consumer attitudes related to food, especially meat and meat products. Currently, in cooperation with several countries, she focuses on consumer opinions regarding plant-based meat substitutes, cultured meat and insects, or food containing insects. She believes that understanding consumer perception can be the basis of product development for food industry companies, as well as their communication plans and strategies. In her spare time, she is busy with the joys and challenges of motherhood as a mother of two boys.

Research keywords:
food, agri-food marketing, agri-food economics, consumer attitudes, meat, meat substitutes


Consumer perception of meat substitutes 




Consumer perception of rabbit meat 



Effect of genotype and housing system on meat quality of rabbit  





Project no. 1.: E³UDRES² Ent-r-e-novators: Cooperating for excellence and impact in research and innovation (Horizont 2020 project) 

E³UDRES² Ent-r-e-novators aims to co-create a more specific joint research and innovation strategy. E³UDRES² Ent-r-e-novators includes, interacts and collaborates with a diverse variety of smart and ambitious people, academic institutions, regional authorities, companies, European research and innovation (R&I) networks and regional innovation ecosystems. E³UDRES² Ent-r-e-novators is committed to scientific excellence and research integrity within its cross-disciplinary and cross-sectoral key R&I networks and promotes (future) R&I competences, skills, resources, methods, training, services and management for collaborative research and open innovation for smart and sustainable regions. 


Project no. 2.: Feed-a-Gene (Horizont 2020 project) 

Feed-a-Gene aims to better adapt different components of monogastric livestock production systems (i.e., pigs, poultry and rabbits) to improve the overall efficiency and to reduce the environmental impact. This involves the development of new and alternative feed resources and feed technologies, the identification and selection of robust animals that are better adapted to fluctuating conditions, and the development of feeding techniques that allow optimizing the potential of the feed and the animal. 


Project no. 3.: EDU-ECO: Education of Teachers in the field of Ecological Food Production and Management (TEMPUS project) 

The EDUECO project is offering universities in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro knowledge and educational tools to teach and train the non-university teachers in the field of ecological food production and management. 

Dr. Katalin Szendrő
Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics
Campus address: H-7400 Kaposvár, Guba Sándor str. 40.

MTMT: 10027467
Scopus: 55062268600