Prof. Dr. István Nagy - MATE Research
Dr István Nagy is a specialist in the field of breeding value estimation (and genetic parameter estimation) using BLUP methodology. Besides, he has high interest in quantitative genetics especially in inbreeding theory, as well as inbreeding depression and purging (based on genealogy information). Based on the distribution of the analysed traits the applied statistical procedures may involve logistic regression, Poisson regression, GLMM (logit or log link function) and survival analysis (Cox regression). These procedures can be applied on any species but in most cases his target species include rabbit and pig, respectively.
Research keywords:
Genetics and genomics of the rabbit
Inbreeding and purging
Project no. 1.: Analysis of purging and likelihood of genetic death in Pannon White rabbit and Border Collie dog populations (OTKA K 128177)
Pannon White rabbit and Hungarian Border collie dog populations were analysed from complex inbreeding aspects. Objectives were to estimate genetic parameters, inbreeding depression for the available reproductive traits of the rabbits and genetic diseases of the Hungarian Border collie dogs.