Prof. Dr. András Székács - MATE Research
Dr. András Székács, PhD in chemistry, Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, is Professor and Deputy Director of the Insitute of Environmental Sciences. His main fields of research are chemical and environmental safety of agricultural and chemical technologies (including pesticides, mycotoxins, genetically modified crops, surfactants, and other anthropogenic contaminants), as well as instrumental and immunoanalysis of organic micropollutants in environmental and biological matrices. He served as a member of the Management Board of the European Food Safety Authority between 2014 and 2012, and he is a member (currently Vice-Chair) of the Governing Body of the OECD Co-operative Research Programme since 2011. Peer reviewed publications/266, cumulated impact factor/400.1, h-index/29.
Research keywords:
Environmental monitoring and ecotoxicology of pesticide residues
Monitoring pesticide residues in surface and ground water in Hungary: Surveys in 1990-2015
The effect of intensive chemical plant protection on the quality of spice paprika
Re-registration Challenges of Glyphosate in the European Union
Environmental monitoring of mycotoxins
Investigation of regional differences of the dominant microflora of spice paprika by molecular methods
Aflatoxin B1 and Sterigmatocystin Binding Potential of Non-Lactobacillus LAB Strains
Mycotoxins as emerging contaminants. Introduction to the special issue “rapid detection of mycotoxin contamination”
Environmental assessment of genetically modified crops
Comparative aspects of cry toxin usage in insect control
Editorial: RNAi Based Pesticides
Development of immunoanalytical methods
Development of immunosensors based on optical waveguide lightmode spectroscopy (OWLS) technique for determining active substance in herbs
Application of Highly Sensitive Immunosensor Based on Optical Waveguide Light-Mode Spectroscopy (OWLS) Technique for the Detection of the
Herbicide Active Ingredient Glyphosate
Sustainability and environmental ethics
Environmental and Ecological Aspects in the Overall Assessment of Bioeconomy
Terrestrial ecotoxicity of glyphosate, its formulations, and co-formulants: evidence from 2010–2023
Mechanism-related teratogenic, hormone modulant and other toxicological effects of veterinary and agricultural surfactants. The project aims to identify such effects by water toxicity tests (algae as mean targets, invertebrate and vertebrate tests) and special assays developed in molecular toxicology (cell lines of epithelial, neural and other tissues, as well as stem cells and tumor cells for membrane permeability, apoptosis, estrogenic activity, in vitro and in vivo (morphological) changes due to disturbances of the retinoic acid pathway).