
Eszter Benes received her PhD degree from the Doctoral School of Food Science of the Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences in 2023. She is currently working as a senior lecturer. Her scientific work is mainly based on the development of different analytical methods and the statistical analysis of large datasets.  Her experience is mainly gained in the application of near infrared spectroscopy, conventional analytical -and liquid chromatographic methods for food analysis.

Research keywords:
near infrared spectroscopy, chemometrics, non-destructive analysis, hplc, food analysis


Benes Eszter; Gere Attila; Fodor Marietta: Predicting macronutrients and energy content of snack products using FT-NIR analysis and chemometric techniques; JOURNAL OF FOOD ENGINEERING (0260-8774 1873-5770): 280 Paper 109954. (2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2020.109954 

Eszter Benes; Bajusz Dávid; Gere Attila; Fodor Marietta; Rácz Anita: Comprehensive chemometric classification of snack products based on their near infrared spectra; LWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (0023-6438 1096-1127): 133 Paper 110130. (2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2020.110130 

Benes Eszter; Biró Barbara; Fodor Marietta; Gere Attila: Analysis of wheat flour-insect powder mixtures based on their near infrared spectra; FOOD CHEMISTRY: X (2590-1575 2590-1575): 13 Paper 100266. (2022). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fochx.2022.100266 

John-Lewis Zinia Zaukuu; Eszter Benes; György Bázár; Zoltán Kovács; Marietta Fodor: Agricultural Potentials of Molecular Spectroscopy and Advances for Food Authentication: An Overview; PROCESSES (2227-9717 2227-9717): 10 2 Paper 214. 42 p. (2022). https://doi.org/10.3390/pr10020214 

Marietta Fodor, Zsuzsa Jókai, Anna Matkovits, Eszter Benes: Assessment of Maturity of Plum Samples Using Fourier Transform Near-Infrared Technique Combined with Chemometric Methods. FOODS 12: 16 Paper: 3059 (2023). https://doi.org/10.3390/foods12163059


ÚNKP-23-4. Környezetbarát gyorsmódszer fejlesztése étcsokoládék minőségének roncsolásmentes vizsgálatára/ Development of an environmentally friendly rapid method for non-destructive testing of dark chocolate quality
The primary objective of this research is to develop non-destructive FT-NIR spectroscopic methods for the quantitative estimation of fat, sugar, theobromine and caffeine content of dark chocolate and also non-fat cocoa solids. In this context, the development of a sample preparation method that can be applied to the determination of sugar composition, fat content, theobromine and caffeine content of chocolate. 
ÚNKP-20-3. Gyors, noninvazív analitikai technika alkalmazása eltérően fermentált teafélék endogén komponenseinek vizsgálatára/ Application of a rapid, non-invasive analytical technique for the analysis of endogenous components of differently fermented tea leaves
The research involved the analytical analysis of loose-leaf teas, with particular emphasis on their tannins, caffeine and L-theanine content. Environmentally friendly methods have been developed for the analysis of the above-mentioned characteristics using near infrared spectroscopy and multivariate data analysis methods.

ÚNKP-17-2. Gyors és környezetbarát módszer fejlesztése chipsek beltartalmi értékeinek meghatározására/ Development of a rapid and environmentally friendly method for the determination of the composition of snacks 
The research involved the analysis of different snacks using conventional analytical methods and near-infrared spectroscopy. Using the spectroscopic and reference database, non-destructive methods were developed for the analysis of certain parameters.

Dr. Eszter Benes
Institute of Food Science and Technology
Campus address: H-1118 Budapest, Villányi rd. 29-43.

MTMT: 10068502
Scopus: 57215008808